Dnistranskiy V. I.

Comparative Characteristics of Antimicrobial Ability of Sealers for Filling Root Canals

About the author:

Dnistranskiy V. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Problem of prevention and treatment of dental caries and its complications (pulpitis, periodontitis) is very relevant to the conditions of Ukraine due to the significant prevalence of pathology and needs of the population in endodontic treatment. In connection with that fact improvement of medical treatment of root canals and studying antimicrobial features of new materials for sealing of root canal, are pressing issues of modern endodontics. In fix- ing this problem, the focus is given to some adequate treatment and hermetic filling of channel space with an inert, biocompatible and antiseptic material. The purpose of this study was identification of the antibacterial properties of modern sealers for sealing of root canals on referent strains in vitro. To investigate the antibacterial properties were used some filling materials which are used for filling root canal. Among the materials for temporary filling of root canal were investigated “Metapex” (META), which contains calcium hydroxide, a filler and iodoform (glycerol) and “Ultracal XS” (Ultradent), which contains calcium hydroxide. Among the materials for permanent sealing were examined “Ah Plus” (Dentsply) – 2-component material based on epoxy resin paste-paste type; “Canason” (Voco) – 2-component material based on eugenol and hydroxyapatite powder-liquid type; “Citofil Ca “ (Latus) – 2 – component composite material based on paste-paste type. Determination of the antiseptic properties of materials for sealing of root canal was performed by the stan- dard plate hole method. As “test microorganisms” were used museum culture Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 29212, Enterococcus faecalis, Neisseria subflava. Evaluation of the antiseptic ac- tivity of materials was carried out by the diameter (mm) of growth inhibition zone around each specimen of the microorganisms. The obtained results were evaluated as follows: zone diameter 11 – 14 mm was assessed as in- significant antibacterial effect; 15 – 19 mm – Moderate antibacterial effect; 20 – 40 mm – high antibacterial effect. To confirm the effectiveness of each of the test samples endodontic materials were conducted comparing of zone diameters of growth retardation after 24 and 72 hours of observation with U-Mann-Whitney test. It was found that Ultracal XS and Сanason have more pronounced antiseptic effect. These materials have a reliably (p < 0,01) more pronounced effect on the studied microorganisms. The antiseptic effect of these materials leads to severe retardation of microorganisms’ growth and the greatest effect was detected on the Enterococcus faecalis. Ah Plus material had little effect on Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus, but had no effect on the growth of Streptococcus pyogenes and only a slight effect on Neisseria subflava. Since chronic inflammation domi- nated by mixed microflora, and in acute – strep or staph, this material cannot be recommended due to the lack of ef- fective action on the part of the microorganisms. Material «Citofil Ca « showed no antiseptic action is not one of the investigated bacterial strains, i. e. it does not have the necessary characteristics for the treatment of periodontitis. Thus, the treatment of periodontitis have advantageous to use a temporary filling material based on calcium hydroxide (Ultracal XS), with further substitution for constant zinc oxide-eugenol sealer (Сanason). Such a scheme of treatment gives the most lasting result, which must be considered when choosing sealers for the treatment of infected root canals.


periodontitis, sealer, filling materials, root canals, antibacterial action


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 298-301 pages, index UDK 616. 314. 163-085. 462-085. 28