Oktysiuk Y. V., Rozhko M. M.

Complex Method of Prevention of Dental Caries in Children from Different Climatic Geographical Zones of Ivano-Frankivsk Region

About the author:

Oktysiuk Y. V., Rozhko M. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The problem of prevention of dental caries in children, because of high prevalence and intensity of this disease, especially in the western areas of Ukraine, remains the most actual in modern stomatology. Heterogeneity of geochemical, ecological and agroclimatic conditions of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, which on the whole will determine the degree of adaptability of child’s organism to the unfavorable factors of external and internal environment, predetermines the necessity of introduction of the differential approach to the working out preventive measures of dental caries in children from the previously mentioned region. For the purpose of estimate of efficiency of the offered medioprophylactic complex, the comprehensive dental examination of 180 twelve-year-old children has been conducted: 61 children from them lived in flat area, 59 – in pre-mountain and 60 children – in mountain climatic geographical zones. The quantity of basic groups made in 30 children, a control group in a flat area counted 31 children, in pre-mountain zone – 30 and in mountain zone – 29 children. Sanation and occupational hygiene of oral cavity were conducted in the children of basic groups. Fortheexogenousprevention of caries atthe individuallevelwas usedtoothpastewithamino fluoride “LACALUT teens 8+”. The endogenous prevention of caries included taking probiotic “Bifiform” during 14 days. The choice of dose of medicine depended on the index of individual level of dental caries intensity: 0,3 – 1 capsule 2 times a day; 04-0,6 – 1 capsule 3 times a day orally; 0,7 – 2 capsules 2 times a day orally. After a course of the previously mentioned probiotic for children from the basic groups was prescribed taking the vitamin bio-elemental complex “Vitrum Junior” 1 pill 1 time a day orally during 30 days and immunoregulator “Esberitoks” 3 pills 3 times a day during 14 days. According to the scheme endogenous prevention was implemented for children from experimental groups twice a year (in autumn and in spring) during 2 years. Children from control groups were teaching personal hygiene and sanation of oral cavity. Evaluation of clinical efficiency of the offered complex was carried out in 6, 12, 18 and 24 months from the beginning of research. The comprehensive dental examination of children has been conducted following the recommendations of the WHO. Intensity of caries after the DMF-index and increase of intensity as a percentage were determined. For the evaluation of the hygienical state of oral cavity was used the simplified index of hygiene (OHI-SGreenJ. C., Vermillion J. K., 1964). Research of processes of remineralization of tooth enamel was conducted using enamel resistance test(Okushko V. R., Kosarieva L. I., 1983) and mineralizing potential of saliva (Leus P. A., 1976). Analysis of the dried samples of oral liquid was carried out following the recommendations by Saifulina Kh. M. (1992). Statistical processing of the obtained results was made in the program MicrosoftExcel 2010. As a result of two years application of the offered prevention complex the increase of caries in children of basic group of flat area was 1,8 times smaller, and pre-mountain and mountain 1,6 times smaller than analogical indexes of children from control groups (p < 0,05). Caries preventive effect in pupils from flat area is 43,48 %, pre-mountain zone – 38,66 % and mountain zone – 23,53 %. The positive influence of the developed scheme of medioprophylactic measures is traced also in the improvement of level of hygiene of oral cavity in children after 24 months of its introduction. This is evidenced by the 1,3 times lower value of OHI-S in the persons of basic group of flat area (p < 0,05) and the 1,2 times lower values of OHI-S in the persons of basic groups of pre-mountain and mountain zones concerning the hygienical index in the children of control groups (p < 0,05). Indicators of functional resistance of tooth enamel in children of basic groups after the course of the conducted medioprophylactic measures reliably exceeded analogical indexes in the persons of control groups in a flat area on 18,16 %, pre-mountain, – 19,9 %, to mountain – 17,26 % (p < 0,05). Caries preventive efficiency of the offered complexes confirmed statistically by there liable increase of mineralization potential of oral liquid in children of basic groups 1,5 times in flatand 1,6 times in pre-mountain and mountain zones in comparing to the indexes of mineralization potential of saliva of children of control groups (p < 0,05). The obtained results demonstrate the high clinical efficiency of the offered complex, which is confirmed by the decline of index of increase of dental caries, strengthening of remineralization properties of oral liquid and increase of acidoresistance of enamel.


children, increaseof dental caries, caries preventive effect, climatic geographical zones


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 310-315 pages, index UDK 616. 314-08-039. 71+616. 314-002+613. 95+504. 75