Smolar N., Stadnyk U., Dmyshko H., Lysak T.

Caries in Schoolchildren with Varying Levels of Anxiety

About the author:

Smolar N., Stadnyk U., Dmyshko H., Lysak T.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The emergence and development of caries associated with general health, level of adaptability to adverse environmental factors, environmental and social conditions. In the literature there are rare work, which revealed certain tendencies relationship between the intensity of caries and psycho-emotional features in primary school and early teens age. The development and progress of multiple caries in these children are associated with high personal anxiety. Objective of the research. To study the prevalence of caries in permanent teeth of children with different levels of situational and personal anxiety. Material and methods of the research. For achievement of the researches were examined 152 children of the 10-12 years old. Dental status was determined prevalence (in %) and intensity of caries of permanent teeth index CPV. To assess the psycho- emotional state using scale self-assessment of anxiety Ch D. Spilberhera adapted Yu. L. Haninym (1978). Results of the study elaborated by the mathematical method of using the Student’s t test. Results of the research. In the study of the intensity of caries in permanent teeth of boys and girls of secondary school and boarding school established that the occurrence of caries in girls of boarding school was higher (5,58 ± 1,09 tooth) than in the girls of secondary school (3.31 ± 0,56 tooth, respectively, p < 0.05). A similar regularity were revealed in the boys during the examination. According to the study of the examination the situational anxiety among the children, mostly found meddle and lower level of this type of anxiety. It should be noted that the number of girls from middle- situational anxiety were almost twice as large as in the secondary school towards girls from a boarding school (74,58 ± 2,23 % and 44,72 ± 1,57 % respectively, p < 0,05). Conversely, a higher percentage of boys with an average level of situational anxiety were children from the boarding school, the number was more than two times higher compared to the boys of the secondary school. Separately, we analyzed the psycho- emotional state of the children surveyed by the level of personal anxiety. Found mainly high and medium level of personal anxiety, only few children with low levels were relatived among boys and among girls, and among girls of secondary school lower level of personal anxiety are not diagnosed at all, and among girls from the boarding schools were only 7,87 ± 1,33 % of cases. Conclusions. 1. Was established that the prevalence of dental caries of permanent teeth is higher among the school children and from the boarding school and are higher intensity lesion caries processes. 2. Was reaveled that the most majority of the children with an average level of situational anxiety. 3. Was reaveled medium and high levels of an anxiety in children. 4. Was reaveled that increased both situational and personal anxiety in some way affect development and intensity caries in children.


caries intensity, anxiety, children


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 316-319 pages, index UDK 616. 314 – 002 – 053. 5 – 06:616. 89 – 008. 44