Sokolova I. I., Kashaba M. A.

Dental Status and Contents Secretory Immunoglobulin in Oral Fluid of Patients Exposed to Occupa- tional Vibration

About the author:

Sokolova I. I., Kashaba M. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of the research involved determination of sIgA contents in the oral cavity of patients exposed to occupational vibration in relation to their dental status. Materials and methods of research. Determination of dental status (DS) and sIgA contents in oral fluid was performed in three groups of patients: control group (n0 = 129) included the persons exposed to occupational vibra- tion whose results of comprehensive medical examination excluded the presence of vibrational disease; the second (1n = 63 patients with the 1st stage VD) and the third group – 2n = 66 patients with the 2nd stage of VD, who underwent 1 1 treatment at clinical department of the research institute of work hygiene and occupational diseases at KhNMU Minis- try of Health of Ukraine. Dental status determination was carried out according to the method of K. M. Kosenko (pat. 57512, Ukraine) for in-patients and control group persons (when rendering medical check-up) with the employment of the following indices: PMA, ОНІ-S, DMFT, with the assessment of vacuum pressure strength of gingival capillaries (ac- cording to V. I. Kulazhenko) and community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN). Primary data were statisti- cally processed with the determination of accuracy by Student test. Results and their discussion. Determination of sIgA in oral fluid of control group persons and patients with VD was performed in order to assess VD influence on the state of local immune protection. The rate of sIgA contents in relation to РМА intensity in patients with VD ranged from 0,73 ± 0,01 mg/cm3 to 0,60 ± 0,01 mg/cm3 and was conclu- sively (р < 0,05) lower in patients with the 1st stage VD in comparison to control group patients (0,68 ± 0,01 mg/cm3 and 0,75 ± 0,02 mg/cm3 correspondingly – in РМА > 2,0) and also conclusively lower in patients with the 2nd stage VD in comparison to patients with the 1st stage VD (0,71 ± 0,01mg/cm3 and 0,60 ± 0,01 mg/cm3 correspondingly – in РМА > 1,0). The rate of sIgA contents in oral fluid in relation to oral hygiene index in VD patients ranged from 0,58 ± 0,01 mg/cm3 to 0,76 ± 0,01 mg/cm3 and was conclusively (р < 0,05) lower in patients with the 1st stage VD (in oral hygiene index 1,7 од) in comparison to control group patients (0,69 ± 0,02 mg/cm3 and 0,75 ± 0,02 mg/cm3 correspondingly) and also conclusively lower in patients with the 2nd stage VD in comparison to patients with the 1st stage VD (0,58 ± 0,01 mg/cm3 and 0,69 ± 0,02 mg/cm3 correspondingly). The rate of sIgA contents in relation to DMFT indices in VD patients ranged from 0,63 ± 0,01 mg/cm3 to 0,76 ± 0,01 mg/cm3 and was conclusively (р < 0,05) lower in patients with 2nd stage VD (in DMFT 11 units and higher) in comparison to control group patients (0,64 ± 0,03 mg/cm3 and 0,77 ± 0,02 mg/ cm3 correspondingly) and also conclusively lower in patients with 2nd stage VD in comparison to patients with 2st stage VD (0,64 ± 0,03 mg/cm3 and 0,73 ± 0,02 mg/cm3 correspondingly). The rate of sIgA contents in relation to vacuum pressure strength of gingival capillaries indices in oral fluid of patients with VD ranged from 0,60 ± 0,02 mg/сm3 to 0,88 mg/cm3 and was conclusively (р < 0,05) lower in patients with 1st stage VD (in vacuum pressure strength of gingival capillaries 40 sec) in comparison to control group patients (0,71 ± 0,01 mg/cm3 and 0,76 ± 0,01 mg/cm3 correspondingly) and also conclusively lower in patients with the 2nd stage VD in comparison to patients with the 1st stage VD. It is necessary to mention that the assessment of sIgA contents in oral fluid of patients with different levels of periodontal treatment needs showed that sIgA contents in control group patients grew when this index values ex- ceeded 3,1 points. Moreover, both in patients with the 1st stage VD and in patients with the 2nd stage VD this pattern was disrupted and was manifested (in the 2nd stage VD) by a conclusive (р 0,05) reduction of sIgA contents in oral fluid by18-20 % in comparison to control group patients. Conclusions. An increase in frequency and intensity of periodontal membrane mucosa injuries in relation to VD development and severity along with a corresponding reduction in oral sIgA contents has been determined. A conclusively (р < 0,05) lower sIgA contents (patients – 0,71 ± 0,02 mg/cm3; control group – 0,78 ± 0,02 mg/cm3) has been found even in mild periodontal mucosa injuries (РМА < 1,1) in VD. The influence of DMFT rate in patients with VD on sIgA contents in oral fluid has been determined as even in mild values (DMFT = 10 un.) and in VD the rate of sIgA contents has been found to reduce as early as in the 1st stage VD with further conclusive reduction in the 2nd stage VD. Pathogenic relationship between VD and periodontal membrane damage has been proved which has consequently conditioned the necessity to render direct periodontal disease prevention both in persons exposed to occupational vibration and in patients with VD.


dental status, periodontal membrane, immunoglobulin, vibration disease


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 320-324 pages, index UDK 616. 314. 17-008. 1:616-001. 34]-036-092-084-08