Udod А. А., Antipova I. М.

Computer Evaluation of Translucency of Samples of Various Photocomposite Materials

About the author:

Udod А. А., Antipova I. М.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Aesthetically ideal composite restoration can be achieved with appropriate optical char- acteristics of teeth under restoration, one of which is translucency. For this reason restorative materials with multiple opaque have been developed and produced. However, quantitative evaluation of translucency of such materials has not been developed yet. Consequently, no reasonable recommendations related to reconstruction of so highly aes- thetic parameter as translucency in restorations of anterior teeth have been proposed in restorative dentistry. The purpose of the research is the objective evaluation of translucency of samples of enamel shades of such photocomposite materials as Gradia Direct, GC, and Filtek Supreme XT, 3M ESPE, obtained on the basis of computer analysis of color image. Object and methods. The samples of universal microhybrid photocomposite and nanocomposite have been tested on the manufactured laboratory samples of enamel shades. Each individual etalon contained 2 samples of 1,0 mm and 2,0 mm thick each. Translucency on each sample has been evaluated in 10 spots at the same level. The evaluation of this parameter has been carried out by the computer analysis of color image, measured in arbitrary units of translu- cency (a. u. t), using the “LEKA” software. Results an Discussion. Tested samples of the Gradia Direct, GC material of 1,0 mm thick showed that sample of XBW enamel shade was less translucent, i. e., 8,43+0,08 a. u. t. The most translucent was the sample of А4 enam- el shade. The rate of this sample was significantly (р < 0,05) higher that rates of any other samples and constitutes 9,60+0,04 a. u. t. The following rates of samples’ translucency with different levels of differences’ reliability are placed between these extreme parameters at an ever-increasing rate: BW, А1, В2, А2, В3, В1, А3, С3, CV, CVD, А3,5. The established tendency was developing while testing the translucency of samples with thickness of 2,0 mm. And again, the minimal translucency has been detected in samples of XWB enamel shade, i. e., 7,85+0,05 a. u. t., and the maxi- mal translucency has been detected in samples of А4 enamel shade, i. e., 8,78+0,07 a. u. t. While testing the samples of Filtek Supreme XT, 3M ESPE material with thickness of 1,0 mm, the less translucency has been detected in sample of XWB enamel shade, i. e., 6,40+0,05 a. u. t.; this rate statistically significantly (р < 0,05) differed from the rates of any other samples. The most translucent was the C3В shade, i. e., 9,82+0,04 a. u. t. The ever-increasing sequence of samples’ translucency is the following: WB, А3,5В, D2E, В1В, В2В, WЕ, А3Е, В3В, А1Е, А2Е, А2В, А3В, С1В, C2В. While testing the samples with thickness of 2,0 mm the similar sequence was observed in minimal rate of translucency of sample of XWB shade (6,21+0,03 a. u. t.) and maximum rate in sample of С3В shade (9,59+0,05 a. u. t.). Conclusion. The tests showed that the objective evaluation of translucency of samples of photocomposites is possible by computer analysis of color image. The results are the evidence of rather wide range of rates of translucency of samples of various enamel shades of Gradia Direct, GC, and Filtek Supreme XT, 3M ESPE materials. The definite sequence of increasing translucency has been established, which depends on color component.


photocomposite materials, translucency, computer evaluation


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 325-328 pages, index UDK 616. 314-74-079