Udod A. A., Dramaretskaya S. I.

Clinical Examination of Resin-Bonded Bridges Produced at Different Approaches to Preparation of Abutment Teeth

About the author:

Udod A. A., Dramaretskaya S. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. A production of resin-bonded bridges (RBB) is less invasive among other modern ways of placement bounded edentulous teeth. However, there are many unsettled questions of oral cavities formation in abutment teeth and constructions of resin-bonded bridges. The main task of an investigation is to produce resin- bonded bridges with sufficient breath of stance and marginal loss of hard tissues. The aim of an investigation is a clinical examination of resin-bonded bridges which are produced by direct meth- od with different types of dimension of intact teeth preparation. The object and methods of an investigation. 28 patients were examined at the age from 22 to 50 years old with disorders in posterior part of dentition and intact abutment teeth. The first group which contains 14 patients in abut- ment teeth there were formed cavities of the second type by Blek of the traditional form. The second group also contains 14 patients there were formed cavities of the second type by Blek with convergent walls to dentino-enamel conjunction and within enamel. Resin-bonded bridges were produced from nanocomposite by direct method using a device for artificial tooth positioning. Clinical examination was performed after production next day, in 6 and 12 months according to developed scheme. Results and discussion. Next day prostheses of both groups of patients obtained the highest evaluation (RAA, RBA, RCA). In 6 months patients of the first group indicated slight color modification on the periphery between nanocomposite and hard tissues of abutment teeth in 6 prostheses (43 % of total number of resin-bonded bridges). So, an evaluation is «satisfactory», an area is «satisfactory», a category is «Sierra». All resin-bonded bridges ob- tained the highest evaluation in patients of the second group. In 12 months patients of the first group in 4 prostheses (28 %) indicated defects between nanocomposite and hard tissues. An evaluation is «satisfactory», an area is «sat- isfactory», and the category is «Sierra». It was also defined minor mobility of resin-bonded bridges 1 (7 %). An evalu- ation is «unsatisfactory» and the category is «Victor». 7 prostheses indicated (43 %) color modification between material and hard tissues. An evaluation is «satisfactory», the area is «satisfactory», and the category is «Sierra». All prostheses of the second group obtained the highest evaluation (RAA, RBA, RCA). Conclusions. Proposed variant of cavities’ formation allows producing resin-bonded bridges which supply reli- able and aesthetic placement of dentition’s defects with minor dimension of hard tissues preparation by means of rigidity and decrease of the area of supporting elements transaction. Clinical examination indicated an effective- ness of such resin-bonded bridges. Prospects for further investigations. Scientific lines of research include peculiarities of optimal constructions of resin-bonded bridges, use in different clinical conditions, study of operative characteristics and duration.


resin-bonded bridges, clinical examination, abutment teeth, preparation


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 329-332 pages, index UDK 616. 314. 3/. 8-089. 28-77+615. 477. 2