Makarenko А., Karandeyeva Y.

Effect of Training on Direction of Muscle Acquired Resistance to Stress Conditions Different Origins

About the author:

Makarenko А., Karandeyeva Y.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Research on the value of systematic, targeted muscle training to enhance the reactivity of the organism and its resistance to physical stress, as well as to adverse environmental conditions, such as hypoxia, ether and ether anesthesia intoxication. Experiments have shown that in the process of training varied functional mobility of the respiratory center and its activities, both during loading and during rest. This indicates that the respiratory functionality of the apparatus as the heart, during exercise increased. These changes give the opportunity to train the body in terms of physical activity and congestion faster and more completely gaseous exchange, as a precondition of energy, providing the responsiveness of tissues, organs and physiological systems of the body as a whole. Further more deep researches of the affected problem testify that the trained organism differs more high stability not only at physical overloads but also at operating on the organism of other extraordinary circumstances, namely to the hypoxia, to conditioned the decline of barometric pressure. Our experiments rotined that a hypoxia, combining with the decline of barometric pressure, above all things had told on the functional state of cns, in particular, barks of large hemispheres of cerebrum. It should be noted that functional changes with the subsequent oppressing and paralysis of cortex developed before and deeper for control zoons as compared to the trained rats. So, at the decline of barometric pressure to 660 mm of rt. st. the amount of beta-waves on the electroencephalogram of control zoons diminished on 20 %, while at trained only on 5,3 %. There is to 460 mm of rt. st at the decline of pressure. There is to 460 mm of rt. st at the decline of pressure. amount beta-, alpha- and delta-waves for control zoons diminished accordingly on 30,3; 14,4 and 30,8 %, and at trained – only on 13,1; 16,7 and 27,8 %. Side by side with this, it seemed to us interesting and important to set, whether there is training a factor, by a step-up stability of organism only in the conditions of hypoxia or it can promote his endurance at other experimental terms, in particular, in a state of narcotic sleep. For finding out of this question 4 series of experiments were put on 80 white and grey rats. Comparative stability of experimental and control zoons to ether was determined on biological survial of the trained and untrained rats, speeds of oppressing, exhaustion and death of cortex, vehicle of breathing and circulation of blood, and also on the level of mortal concentration of ether in a cortex and change of the tissue breathing in the moment of death of zoon. A difference in the reaction of the trained and untrained rats in the terminal state was considerable. The complete oppressing of biological currents of cortex for the untrained rats came on the average through 98,8 ± 2,4 min, stop of breathing – through 101,9 ± 2,7 min, disappearance of biological currents of heart – through 103,4 ± 3,1 min. The trained rats have a cortex, a respiratory center and heart showed more high stability to the mortal concentration of ether. The complete oppressing of biological currents of cortex developed on the average in the 143,2 ± 2,6 min of saturation by drugs, stop of breathing – in the 144,7 ± 3,2 min, oppressing of biological currents of heart – in the 145,9 ± 3,4 min.


adaptation, muscle training, hypoxia, intoxication


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 340-342 pages, index UDK 577. 115. 3