Shkurupiy D. A.

Multimedia Technologies in the Educational Process of Higher Medical Education: Opportunities and Application Problems

About the author:

Shkurupiy D. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Educational process is certainly connected with the development of other fields of scientific, techno- logical and business activities of the society, particularly – with the advancement of computer technologies. Their introduction into educational activities had a positive effect on the whole. Wide use of computers allowed to promote student’s access to scientific professionally-oriented information, and new opportunities to illustrate the material presented appeared. Slides of multimedia lectures will be better perceived by students, if instead of the usual text their content is illustrated with bright and closely related picture. At that, illustrations shall be not necessarily of strictly scientific nature. During practical classes the opportunities of the use of multimedia technologies may be discovered due to the demonstration of videos with respective manipulations recorded. This means is extremely necessary, where students can not be actually admitted to practical skills training in a clinic. A technology of broadcasting live surgeries can be moved to a brand new level. Another positive example of work of multimedia technologies is the development of training and controlling educational software programs. Software programs with controlling tests and situational tasks may be developed for any discipline. Assessment of students and participants with the help of such programs not only standardizes the assessment of knowledge, but also saves teacher’s time spent for the check of qualification papers. Training programs simulate real clinical situations and allow a student to train practical skills even before their use in real practice, which minimizes a number of mistakes considerably. In this day and age a proper organization of scientific work is impossible without the use of electronic docu- ments. Work in electronic libraries and computer networks offers an opportunity of quick and exact search of a considerable amount of information. However, introduction of multimedia technologies into the educational process has its downside as well. This is the opportunity of copying methodological and scientific developments and their uncontrolled distribution with copyright infringement, use of large text fragments in presentations instead of slide illustration, which leads to the loss of lecturer’s skills, mathematical formalization of a mark put in accordance with the assessment results, high price of training programs, risk of pseudoscientific information obtaining from Internet resources. Thus, along with considerable potential and positive effect of the use of multimedia technologies in the educa- tional process of higher medical education, their use must be reasonable and objectivistic according to the specific educational purposes.


educational process, multimedia technologies, higher medical education


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 44-46 pages, index UDK 004. 9 : 378. 147/61