Garbuzova V. Yu.

Association of Ser37Ala Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Gene Polymorphism with Acute Coronary Syn- drome in Individuals of Different Sex

About the author:

Garbuzova V. Yu.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. BMP-2 like other bone morphogenetic proteins, plays an important role in the development of bone and cartilage, in osteoblast differentiation. As the calcification of the atherosclerotic plaque is an untoward prognostic factor of the acute coronary syndrome, the polymorphism of gene BMP-2 can be associated with the disease progression. Purpose. To establish the association of allelic variants of BMP-2 gene Ser37Ala polymorphism with acute coro- nary syndrome (ACS) in individuals of different sex. Materials and Methods. We used venous blood of 118 patients with ACS (22 % women and 78 % men) aged 40 to 73 years (mean age 55.9 ± 0.89 years) who was hospitalized in the cardiology department of Sumy City Clinical Hospital № 1. The control group consisted of 234 patients. Definition of Ser37Ala polymorphism (rs2273073) of BMP-2 gene was performed using PCR with the following restriction fragment length analysis of the allocation of them by electrophoresis in agarose gel. Restriction endonuclease Hpy99I was used for restriction analysis. Sta- tistical analysis was performed by using the software package SPSS-17. Thus the significance of differences was determined by the χ2-criterion. The value of P < 0.05 was considered as significant. Results. There isn’t significant difference in the ratio of genotypes (Ser/Ser, Ser/Ala, Ala/Ala) between patients with ACS and control. It accounted for 50. 5 % 32.2 % 17.8 % in the group with ACS, and 45.3 %, 40.2 %, 14.5 % – in control. Using the χ2-Pearson criterion did not reveal association between the Ser37Ala polymorphism of ВМР-2 gene and the ACS (Р = 0.327). The frequency of different variants of this polymorphism is not significantly different in patients with ACS and patients in the control group, when separately compared women (P = 0. 601) and men (P = 0. 217). There are no statistically significant differences between male and female individuals among patients with ACS (P = 0.458), and in controls (P = 0.216). Analysis in groups formed on the basis of genotype of gene polymorphism Ser37Ala BMP-2 was informative. Thus, among homozygotes for the major allele proportion of women and men in the control constituted 36.8 % and 63.2 %, and in patients with ACS – 18.6 % and 81.4 %. In heterozygotes these values amounted to 33.0 % and 67.0 % in control and 28.9 % and 71.1 % – in patients of the main group. Finally, in homozygotes for the minor al- lele the studied ratio was 20.6 % and 79.4 % in healthy individuals and 19.0 % and 81.0 % – in patients with ACS. It should be noted that only in patients with genotype Ser/Ser differences between the sex ratio in control and princi- pal groups were statistically significant (P = 0.015). Conclusion. Acute coronary syndrome occurs in men more often than women among homozygotes for the major allele (Ser/Ser) of polymorphism of second exon of the BMP-2 gene (Ser37Ala).


bone morphogenetic protein-2, allelic polymorphism, acute coronary syndrome


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 52-56 pages, index UDK 616. 831-005. 1/. 6:548. 33