Effect Nifedipine Precautions with Quercetin on Fatty Acid Spectrum of Lipids Cardiomyocytes in Rats with Hypertension

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Scentific article


Arterial hypertension (AH) is one of the most common diseases in the world. Complications accompanying AH to heart as the primary target organ for AH. One of markers for lesion expression in AH and efficiency of antihypertensive drugs in this pathology include fatty acid content in target organs. Studying the ratio of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and unsaturated fatty acids (USFA) in the heart is interesting in terms of examinations of patients. The objective of this study was to carry out a comparative analysis of changes in ratios of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in the heart, of WKY line rats and ISIAH line rats arterial hypertension to serve as a control for assessing efficiency of pharmacological preparations. The aim of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of changes in fatty acid (FA) in heart in NISAH rat to clarify the mechanisms of cardiovascular disease and hypertension, and pharmacocorrection of hypertension calcium antagonist nifedipin and flavonoid quercetin Study materials and methods. The study was conducted on 45 rats with hypertension (ISIAH rats) and normotensive rats (WKY rats). Blood pressure was carried out using a plethysmograph on the tail artery of rats and recorded in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Fatty-acid content of lipids in the heart of experimental rats was analyzed by using gas-liquid chromatography. 9 most informative fatty acids (FA) were identified: С 14:0 myristinic acid, С 15:0 pentadecoic acid, С 16:0 palmitic acid, С 17:0 margaric acid, С 18:0 stearic acid, С 18:1 oleic acid, С 18:2 linoleic acid, С 18:3 linolenic acid, С 20:4 arachidonic acid. The results were processed by variation statistics method with the use of Student t-test and correlation analysis. Study results and discussion. In the myocardium of rats with hypertension compared with controls decreased content of palmitic fatty acids (FA) with 20. 83 + 1.0 to 13. 7 + 1. 0 % and increased levels of arachidonic 36,6 ± 1,8 to 47,8 ± 1,8 % (p < 0.05). When using nifedipine increased palmitic FA indicators in rats with hypertension from 13.7 + 1.0 to 15,2 ± 1,0 and the amount of saturated FA increased from 26,7 ± 1,8 to 28,5 ± 1,8 %. After combined application of nifedipine and quercetin in rats with hypertension contents of palmitic FA increased from (13.7 + 1.0 to 23,1 ± 1,0 and decreased levels of arachidonic 47,8 ± 1,8 to 35,6 ± 1, 5 compared with the control SAG. Amount saturated crystal decreased from 34,4 ± 1,6 to 26,7 ± 1,8 %, but under the influence of nifedipine and quercetin rich FA normalize their performance almost to control values of 26,7 ± 1, 8 to 35,8 ± 1,8. amounts of unsaturated and polyunsaturated FA FA at SAG increased from 65,6 ± 1,6 to 73,3 ± 1,8 % and 55,8 ± 1,3 to 65,6 ± 1. 5 %, re- spectively (p < 0. 05). Application of nifedipine with quercetin normalize these values of 73,3 ± 1,8 to 64,2 ± 1,8 and 65,6 ± 1,5 to 53,0 ± 1,6 % respectively. Quercetin in use in rats with hypertension increased the amount of satu- rated FA 26,7 ± 1,8 % to 30,4 ± 1,8, and the amount of unsaturated and polyunsaturated FA FA decreased from 73,3 ± 1 8 % to 70,1 ± 1,8 and 65,6 ± 1,5 % to 60,0 ± 1,5 respectively Lipid fatty acid spectrum myocardium of rats with hypertension, an increase in the content of arachidonic acid and the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids is accompanied by a decrease in content in the myocardium of palmitic fatty acids. Nifedipine and quercetin in the application of rats with hypertension for 1 month does not cause significant normalization of disorders of fatty acids in heart tissues of hypertensive rats. Nifedipine during combined use with quercetin for 1 month cause normalization violations metabolism of essential fatty acids in heart tissues of hypertensive rats.


hypertension, nifedipine, quercetin rats with hypertension


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 94-97 pages, index UDK 577. 115. 3:[616. 12+616. 36]-018:616.