Zograbian R. O.

Lipin and Сorvitin in Treatment of Chronic Renal Allograft Dysfunction

About the author:

Zograbian R. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Сhronic renal allograft dysfunction (CRAD) is one of the leading causes of graft loss late after trans- plantation, therefore clarifying the mechanisms of development and improving treatment modalities of this com- plication is of great importance. Our previous studies showed that an increased activity of lipid peroxidation (LP) and decreased activity of antioxidant system (AOS) are both implicated in the development and progression of this complication. Purpose of the research. Analysis of the effectiveness of antioxidant drugs Lipin and Corvitin in the combined treatment regimen of CRAD and to assess the effect of drugs on patient’s peroxidation activity and antioxidant sys- tem (AOS). Object and methods of research. The study was carried out in 60 renal transplant recipients: 15 in lipin group, 15 in corvitin group and 30 in control group (without antioxidants). All patients underwent clinic laboratory examination including creatinine and urea blood concentrations, GFR, arterial pressure level. LP activity was evaluated accord- ing to malonic dialdehyde concentration in serum and erythrocytes. AOS was assessed by the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and general peroxidase activity of erythrocytes. We have defined the monthly GFR dynamics in 1-12 months after the CRAD have been diagnosed. The obtained data showed that positive impact on GFR due to administration of Lipin and Corvitin lasted only within 2–6 months: the GFR was gradually decreasing and in 2–6 months its rates reached the initial level, whereas in comparison group the GFR was decreasing by 4 ml/min over the period of 6months. The obtained data were the background for ad- ministration of refresher courses of antioxidants in 2–6 months. Doubling of creatinine level during 12 months of observation has been apparent in three patients from Group 1 (20,0 %) and four patients from Group 2 (25,0 %),as well as 12 RAG -recipients from the comparison group (40,0 %, р < 0,05). Thus, the renoprotective effect of Corvitin and Lipin in complex therapy of CRAD is proved by evidence. Consequently, the results of the study show that administration of such antioxidant drugs as Lipin and Corvitin in complex therapy of CRAD decreases the intensity of LP processes, increases the potential of AOP system, enhances the rates of RAG function: GFR has increased by 17,4–22,0 %, and urea (by 19,2–19,7 %) and creatinine (by 29,3– 35,6 %) levels have been decreased. Corvitin also promotes normalization of arterial pressure. Unfortunately, positive effect of antioxidants is temporary and lasts only within 6 months: the GFR is gradually decreasing and in 2–6 months reaches the initial level. Therefore, it is reasonable to administer refresher courses of antioxidants at least once the 6 months. The obtained results have also shown the ability of Lipin and Corvitin to slow down the rate of CRAD progressing. Both drugs were found to contribute to reduced activity of LP, increased the capacity of AOS, improved renal transplant function and slowed the progression of CRAD. GFR increased by 17,4 – 22,0 %, blood urea level decreased by 19,2 – 19,7 % and creatinine level – by 29,3 – 35,6 %. Positive effect of Lipin and Corvitin on renal function was temporary and lasted for 2 – 6 months. Therefore it’s appropriate to repeat the treatment with IV infusions of lipin or corvitin at least 1 time per 6 month.


chronic renal allograft dysfunction, lipid peroxidation, anti-oxidant system, antioxidants, Lipin, Corvitin


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 121-124 pages, index UDK 616. 6-085-089. 843