Zubchenko S., Akimova V., Lapovetz L.

Detection Donozological Violations under Change of Integral Hematological Indices in Patients with Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus Infection in Latent Phase

About the author:

Zubchenko S., Akimova V., Lapovetz L.



Type of article:

Scentific article


It was conducted complex diagnostic observation of 62 patients that included carrying out of general and specific laboratory tests. On the basis of definition of serum markers of Enstein-Barr virus (EBV) in the blood serum and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 32 (51,6 %) individuals the diagnosis of chronic EBV-infection was made, and chronic EBV-infection in latent phase was observed in other 30 (48,4 %) individuals. The control group included 20 healthy individuals of appropriate age and sex. Immune reactivity of organism of patients with chronic persistence of EBV-infection in latent phase was determined on the basis of calculation of integral hematological indices. It was defined the decrease of lymphocytes – eosinophils index (LEI) in the group of patients with EBV-infection in latent phase in comparison with both groups of healthy individuals and patients with chronic EBV-infection in the phase of virus replication (р < 0,05), that indicated on possibly high risk of forming allergopathology in such patients. The neutrophils – lymphocytes index (NLI) was higher in the group of patients with latent phase of the infection, in comparison with healthy individuals and patients patients with the phase of replication activity of virus (р < 0,05), that can be a signal about potential forming of immunodeficiency disorders because of decrease the number of lymphocytes and predominating of granulocytic cells. Leucocytal index (LI) was possibly lower in pa- tients with EBV-infection if latent phase in comparison with patients with EBV-infection in active phase and healthy individuals (р < 0,05), that can prove the forming immunodeficiency, including allergopathology (due to detected absolute eosinophilia in 13 individuals and lymphocytosis in 5 individuals). Neutrophils-monocytes index (NMI) in patients of two test groups in comparison with healthy individuals had a tendency to increase (р > 0,05). It was de- termined the slight tendency to an increase of index of leukocytes and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in pa- tients both with EBV-infection in latent phase and in the phase of replication activity of virus, that cab a signal about increased risk of forming infection in such patients, including infective genesis. The results of research are the reason to calculate further observation for individuals with EBV-infection in latent phase and changes of integral hematological indices to conduct donozological correction of immune system in time, firstly with the purpose of prophylaxis.


chronic Enstein-Barr virus infection, integral hematological indices, donozologiczl disorders


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 125-128 pages, index UDK 616. 988:576. 858. 1]-036. 15-07:616. 15-07