Romaniuk T. I., Klishch І. М., Herasymiuk І. Ye.

Clinical and Biochemical Changes in Blood and Internal Eye Fluid among Rabits with Cornea Burns and at Correction by Means of Polisorb Enterosorbent

About the author:

Romaniuk T. I., Klishch І. М., Herasymiuk І. Ye.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Eye burns belong to the most severe case of eye injury. The problem of their medical treatment still is rather acute and relevant. Mostly, eye burns are caused by various chemicals. The most common among chemical eye burns are alkali burns. Numerous studies of the burn development mechanisms on histomorphologic, biochemical, immunological and electron-microscopic levels in both eye tissues and the whole organism have shaped the picture of eye burn pathogenesis as a multi-factor and multi-componential and interconnected process affecting the eye and lead- ing to various pathological changes in different systems of human body, i. e. the phenomena of autointoxication and autosensibilization become frequent, the organism responsiveness can be violated, some immunocompetent organs become involved in the process, some fermentation and metabolic processes as well as nerve and reflex correlations may be violated. Also, there may occur some changes in blood and blood vessels. The purpose of our research was to define the peculiarities of clinical and biochemical changes in blood and internal eye fluid among rabbits with cornea burn and at correction by means of “Polisorb” enterosorbent. The experiments were made on 54 rabbits aged 2 years and with the weight of 2. 5 – 3. 0. kg. 6 of these rabbits were the intact control group. 24 rabbits were affected by alkali cornea burns – 10 % NaOH, 24 other rabbits had their conjunctival sac watered with “Polisorb” sorbent 5 minutes after the alkali burn. Before the procedure pads were made. They had the diameter of 8 mm and were made of cotton with hygro- scopic properties and ability to evenly distribute moisture about the entire surface. The cotton pads absorbed the alkali solution and evenly distributed about the cornea surface not involving the corneal limbus. The alkali exposition on the cornea was 10 seconds, after this the cornea looked like matte glass. The animals were killed by means of big amount of concentrated sodium thiopental (25 mg / 1 kg) after 1, 4, 6, 12 and 24 hours from the beginning of the experiment. Then the biological material was taken for research. All the experiments were conducted in compliance with “The Rules of Conducting Research Using Experimental Animals”. The functional activity of neutrophils and functional backup were studied. The backup factor and the neutrophil metabolic activity coefficient were calculated. The production of reactive oxygen species in mononuclear leuko- cytes was studied by means of ductal cytofluorometry. The supernatant part of the cornea homogenate is used to measure the hydroperoxide of lipids, products reacting with thiobarbituric acid and renewed glutathione. The cytokine amount was measured on a semi-automatic enzyme-immunoassay device “STAT-FAX 303” using the sets of “Vector Best” (Russia). In our research, we also studied proiflammatory and antiinflammatroy cytokines in the process of burn and at its correction. It has been established that the cornea burn is accompanied by the development of oxidative stress character- ized by increase of intensiveness in reactive oxygen species production. The same tendency can be observed in early and intemediate lipid peroxidation products. The cornea inflammation development is characterized by in- crease in the amount of active neutrophils in the peripheral blood. The development of cornea inflammation is characterized by increase in the amount of active neutrophils and decrease in the concentration of reduced glutathione in peripheral blood as compared with intact animals. The similar changes of the studied parameters were during using “Polisorb”, however, the degree of deviation from that of control animals was significantly lower than in animals which correction was not performed. Thus, the cornea burn is accompanied by activation of the system response of the local inflammatory reaction caused by the intensification of non-specific factors of immune protection, extensive production of proinflammato- ry and decrease of anti-inflammatory cytokine expression. The usage of “Polisorb” sorbent normalizes the immune response to the injury to a considerable extent and positively influences the cytokine status in the blood serum and internal eye fluid.


cornea, burn, alkali, inflammation, immune protection


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 181-185 pages, index UDK 617. 713-001. 17:617. 749+616. 15-06+577. 1+615. 2|3. 099]-092. 9