Stanislavchuk L. M.

Laryngotracheitis and Recurrent Laryngotracheitis in Children: Correlation with Meteorological Fac- tors, their Changes within One Day and Daily Changes

About the author:

Stanislavchuk L. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


It was analyzed the meteorological factors (air temperature, air pressure, relative air humidity, partial pressure of water vapor in air, oxygen content in air, wind speed and wind direction), and their changes from day to day and within one day in connection with incidences of laryngotracheitis (LT) and recurrent laryngotracheitis (RLT) in children of Vinnytsya city between 2000-2004. The term «LT» was used in the case of 1-3 episodes of the disease in a patient, the term «RLT» – in the case of 4 or more episodes. Periods of maximal and minimal circulation of respiratory viruses have been identified as a result of long-term monitoring of the dynamics of respiratory viruses circulation (influenza viruses, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses). During the observation period (1827 days) there were registered 1499 cases of LT (1276 patients) and 92 cases (59 patients) of RLT in children. The number of daily emergency department calls in cases of LT ranged from 0 to 6, in cases of RLT – from 0 to 2. It was established that the maximal, minimal, average air temperature, average partial pressure of water vapor were significantly lower and the maximal, minimal, average air pressure, average wind speed, average oxygen con- tent in the air were significantly higher on days with LT than on days without LT. There were no difference between the values of relative air humidity and wind direction on days with LT and on days without LT. Direct correlation was revealed between LT and maximal, minimal, average air pressure (r = 0,05-0,08) , average wind speed (r = 0,05), average oxygen content in the air (r = 0,15), daily changes of maximal and average relative air humidity (r = 0,05), maximal change of air pressure during 3 hours within one day (r = 0,05); inverse correlation – between LT and maxi- mal, minimal, average air temperature (r = from –0,13 to -0,14), partial pressure of water vapor (r = –0,15). The average relative air humidity, maximal, minimal, average air pressure, average oxygen content in the air, daily changes of maximal air temperature were significantly higher on days with RLT than on days without RLT. There were no difference between the values of partial pressure of water vapor, wind speed and wind direction on days with RLT and on days without RLT. Direct correlation was revealed between RLT and average relative air humid- ity (r = 0,05), maximal, minimal, average air pressure (r = 0,06), average oxygen content in the air (r = 0,05), daily changes of maximal air temperature (r = 0,05). Unlike incidences of LT, incidences of RLT were registered on days with increasing maximal and average air temperature. There were seasonal peculiarities in differences of meteorological factors on days with LT and RLT compared with days without those. There was no difference between the data of meteorological factors on days with LT and days without LT during the period of maximal circulation of respiratory viruses (March, October, November). Unlike incidences of LT, incidences of RLT were registered on days with higher maximal, minimal, average temperature and average partial pressure of water vapor in air, with less average oxygen content in air, and with increasing average air temperature. Direct correlation was revealed between RLT and maximal, minimal, average air temperature (r = 0,1- 0,13), average partial pressure of water vapor in air (r = 0,12), daily changes of average air temperature (r = 0,1); inverse correlation – between RLT and average oxygen content in air (r = -0,09). There was no difference between the data of meteorological factors on days with RLT and days without RLT dur- ing the period of minimal circulation of respiratory viruses (June, July, August). Unlike incidences of RLT, incidences of LT were registered on days with lowering maximal and average air temperature, and with increasing average oxygen content in air. Direct correlation was revealed between LT and daily changes of average oxygen content in air (r = 0,12); inverse correlation – between LT and daily changes of maximal and average air temperature (r = -0,15). Correlations between LT and RLT, and above mentioned factors were weak. It indicates secondary importance of meteorological factors in genesis of LT and RLT.


laryngotracheitis, recurrent laryngotracheitis, meteorological factors, children


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 190-196 pages, index UDK 616. 22-002: 616. 231-053. 2:613. 1