Tatarko S. V.

Comparative Characteristics of Phagocytic Activity of Peripheral Blood Neutrophils at Different Types of Inflammation by Etiology and Course

About the author:

Tatarko S. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


On different models of inflammation by etiology and course, an acute infectious, secondary chronic, primary chronic non-immune and primary chronic immune in rats, starting from the 6th hour and to 28th day after injection flogogen we investigated phagocytosis indices – the phagocytic index, phagocytic number and the activity index of peripheral blood neutrophils. Incubated suspensions of Staphylococcus (containing 1 billion microbial cells in 1 ml blood) in blood. After 30 and 60 minutes from the start of the incubation was prepared smears, which were stained by the Romanovsky- Giemsa. After 30 minutes, determined phagocytic index and phagocytic number. After 60 min determined by phagocytic number. The index of activity of neutrophils was determined by dividing the phagocytic number 30 by phagocytic number 60. On a model of acute infectious inflammation in rats it is shown that phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neu- trophils is increased during all the term of investigation (from 6th h up to 28th day) with maxima on 2nd and 5th–7th days. It corresponds to quantitative dynamics of leukocytic reaction at this kind of inflammation. On a model of secondary chronic inflammation in rats the following pathways, which are crucial for mechanisms of inflammation chronization, have been revealed: delay and prolongation of phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophils, which is typical for acute inflammation dynamics, decrease of phagocytic activity itself, in particular of its ingestion and digestion functions, dissociation of phagocytic activity dynamics and quantitative dynamics of leukocyte reaction at later inflammation stages in connection with continued leukocyte emigration to the focus. On a model of primary chronic inflammation in rats it was shown, that with further inflammation chronization (as compared with secondary chronic inflammation) decrease of phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophils grows, dissociation of phagocytic activity dynamics and quantitative dynamics of blood leukocyte reaction increas- es due to decrease of neutrophil emigration to the focus and slowing down of granulopoiesis activation and also due to reduction of neutrophil role and increase of macrophage and lymphocyte role in further process progress. On a model of chronic immune inflammation in rats it was shown, that in comparison with non-immune inflam- mation, phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophils, both ingestion and digestion, is higher. However, it is even less connected with quantitative dynamics of neutrophil and in whole leukocyte reactions (than at non-immune chronic inflammation comparing with secondary chronic inflammation). Evidently it can be explained by higher anti- gen concentration in organism on the one hand, and by the fact, that leukocyte reaction is predominantly connected with changes of emigration and production of monocytes-macrophages and lymphocytes on the other hand. At the same time, chronic immune inflammation can be seen as continuing primary chronic inflammation compared with sephadex granulomatous, and findings support the proposition that, as chronic inflammation further increases “uncoupling” of the phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophils from the quantitative dynamics of leukocyte reaction in connection with decrease in the role (and therefore a decrease in emigration and products) neutrophils. Phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophils increased at all types of inflammation, at acute inflammation it increased the most was observed throughout the study period (from the 6th h to 28 days). At chronic inflammation we observed delay and decrease in the phagocytic activity, its “dissociation” with neutrophilic blood reaction, and phagocytic activity is highest at primary chronic immune inflammation, then chronic secondary inflammation and then primary chronic non-immune inflammation.


inflammation, phagocytic activity, blood neutrophils


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 203-207 pages, index UDK 612. 017. 1:616-002-092. 9-07:616. 15-076. 1:612. 112