Frolova G. A.

Comparative Characteristics of Modifications Anxious Behavior Caused by Blocking Receptors of Sex Hormones in Females and Males White Rats

About the author:

Frolova G. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Anxiety is one of complex indices of adaptive behaviour, in many respects determining the current vector behavioral reactions of the entire organism. It is known that sex hormones act as modulators of a number of neurotransmitters but also have a modulating effect on steroid receptors. This fact explains the significant impact of changes in hormonal status of the organism on its psycho-emotional status. The aim of the study is to establish behavioral correlates antiandrogenic and antiestrogenic effects on male and female white rats in conditions elevated plus-maze taking into account individual-typological characteristics. Primary experimental data were processed using standard methods of mathematical statistics. Separation of the test animal population into subgroups with different levels of anxiety was conducted by signal deviation. To as- sess the significance of differences between the results of research and monitoring to assess the reliability of the differences between experimental and control data used by U-Mann-Whitney test. Mathematical treatment of the material was carried out using the software package STATISTIKA 6. 0 and Excel. The experiment was conducted on 80 purebred lab rats (40 females and 40 males). Anxiety animals was es- tablished in conditions elevated plus-maze (EPM), a marker indicator of which is the total time of stay in the open space of the maze; moreover, in the conditions of the EPM has established a level of locomotion (LA) and research (RA) activity on the number of transitions between closed sleeves and the number of vertical racks in open space, respectively. After control (original) testing females and males were divided into three subgroups, according to the severity they have a total time of stay in the open space of the maze. At the next stage of the experiment was conducted blocking receptors of sex hormones in animals, then the rats were tested again in the conditions of the EPM. Blocking androgen receptors in males conducted by injection of androfarm (“Farmak”, Ukraine) in the dose of 150 mg/kg for 14 days, i. p. Blocking of estrogen receptors in females conducted by injection tamoxifen (“Pharmaceutical company “Zdorovie”, Ukraine) in the dose of 10 mg/kg for 14 days, i. p. According to the results of control testing in elevated plus-maze, the original group of animals of different sex di- vided into subgroups with different level of anxiety in equal shares: maximum proved to be the group whose behav- ior is characterized by average time spent in the open space of the maze (40-45 % of the original group of animals), the share of rats with extreme levels of anxiety amounted to 25-30 %. It is established that females and males with the same level of anxiety differ on the numerical values of behavioral indicators in the maze. So, males total time of stay in the open space EPM significantly higher than that of males in all subgroups of anxiety. However, high-anxiety females frequency re exits in open space of the maze higher than the value of this indicator in males, and the number of vertical racks characterizing research activity in the conditions of the EPM, in contrast, in sub-groups middle and high-anxiety males is higher than that of females. It is established that antiestrogenic effects of tamoxifen on females has mixed effects on anxiety rats depend- ing on the source of the anxiety level; antiandrogenic impact of androfarm males has anxiolytic effect on males with high initial and average level of anxiety and entries on low-anxiety rats. While tamoxifen reduces motor activity of fe- males regardless of the source of the anxiety level and research the source middle-anxiety animals, and androfarm stimulate research activity source low-anxiety males and does not affect motor activity.


anxiety, androfarm, tamoxifen, blockers receptors of sex hormones


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 219-223 pages, index UDK 616. 154:577. 175. 6]-092. 9