Sobko O. V., Oliinyk I. Yu., Ushenko A. G.

Stokes Polarimetric Mapping of Histological Sections Orientation Structure of Human Fetal Oculomo- tor Muscles

About the author:

Sobko O. V., Oliinyk I. Yu., Ushenko A. G.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Objective. It is impossible to solve the problem of perinatal morbidity and mortality without advanced study of embryogenesis and early fetogenesis periods. Having examined the features of orientation structure of paraorbital tissue histological sections [3], we consider it appropriate to study the features of orientation structure of histological sections in the oculomotor muscles of 5-10 months old human fetuses with their Stokes polarimetric mapping. Material and methods of research. To describe the topographic structure of oculomotor muscles sections clas- sical microscopic images in 5-10 months old fetuses, we used polarized laser radiation with the following calcu- lation of mathematical Stokes vector parameters, which characterize orientation and polycrystalline structure of biologicals in the most informative and complete way. We chose the coordinate distribution of values of the Stokes vector second parameter (S2 ), which, in the dots of biological preparation microscopic image, bears the most com- plete information about its substance orientation structure. We measured coordinate distributions (two-dimensional masses of values in the samples plane) of Stokes vector parameters in the location of a standard Stokes polarimeter. Results. An analysis of the experimental findings from the study of statistic structure of orientation parameters coordinate distributions S2 , which characterize the degree of organization of oculomotor muscles histological sec- tions in the eye pit at different stages of the fetal growth found a range of changes in random values of orientation parameter S2 within the plane of histological section in eye pit oculomotor muscles, which is redistributed to bigger values 0,2  S2  0,6 . Comparative (from 5 to 10 months) monitoring of changes in the structure of histological sections microscopic images at different stages of the fetal growth objectively detected a consistent formation of the orientation structure of a fibrillar net of the eye pit oculomotor muscles. Time morphological evolution of the oculomotor muscles fibrillar net is illustrated quantitatively by the histograms of the random values distributions of the orientation parameter S2 , which is determined by processing the histological sections of certain biologicals in the plane of filtered microscopic images by means of polarization. The structurization of muscular tissue fibrillar net and formation of its orientation coordination are interrelated with an increase of values of all statistical moments of the 1st – 4th orders. Conclusions. We were the first to suggest the method of Stokes polarimetric statistical analysis of histological sections microscopic images of eye pit oculomotor muscles in the fetuses at different stages of their growth and to use objectively statistical analysis (calculation of the 1st – 4th orders statistical moments) of coordinate distribu- tions of the Stokes vector parameters. We have explored by means of experiments the coordinate distributions of the orientation parameter S2 of the eye pit oculomotor muscles in fetuses at different stages of their growth. We have found the main interrelations between the changes in statistical moments of the 1st – 4th orders, characterizing coordinate distributions of the orientation parameter, and the features of time and space structure of the tissue substance in the fetal oculomotor muscles at different stages of growth – the statistical moments of the 3rd and 4th orders, having this range of values change Z3 S3 3,98;  Z4 S4 7,67. , proved to be the most sensitive


fetus, oculomotor muscle, eye pit, Stokes polarimeter, orientation parameter, Stokes vector, statisti- cal moment


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 290-295 pages, index UDK 616-053. 15-018:[535. 361:535. 51]