Cherstiuk S. A., Protsenko O. S., Remniova N. A.

Influence of HIV Infection of Mother on Forming of Child’s Thymus

About the author:

Cherstiuk S. A., Protsenko O. S., Remniova N. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


HIV infection are among the most widespread and dangerous of human infections. Of particular importance got by a problem infection of women of childbearing age followed by intrauterine infection by children. Number of HIV – infected pregnant women is increasing in many countries, including Ukraine. The risk of fetal infection, now is 15-25 %. There are data that 80-90 % of HIV-infected children infected by vertically. The aim of this study was to reveal the morphological features of thymuses infants from HIV – infected mothers. The materials for the study were children who died at the age of 6 months to 5 years of HIV-infected mothers. In all cases of serologically been confirmed HIV infection and bacteriological – Pneumocystis pneumonia. Thymus tissue sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin, pikrofuksinom by Wan-Gieson. To determine the degree of ripeness and accessories lymphocytes to one or another subpopulation performed immunohistochemical study with MKA to CD3, CD4 +, CD8 +, CD7, CD38, CD22, Thy-1 surface receptors to whom they expressing (Novocastra Laboratories Ltd). Morphologically in thymic dysplasia determined in a simple, small lobules, surrounded by broad connective tissue septa. The edges of the lobes, were generally scalloped, rarely rounded delineated. Division into cortical and medullary zones was determined with difficulty. In the thymic medulla of thymuses corpuscles missing. Observed a sharp lymphoid depletion of the cortex and medulla. In the thymus, with the morphological picture of dysplasia with atrophy, revealed small lobulessurrounded with fatty tissue and massive proliferation of connective tissue with symptoms of disorganization in the form of fibrinoid of swelling and fibrinoid necrosis. Lymphoid component, as well as epithelial, in the lobules is weak. Thymocytes are located in all zones of uneven and presented very poorly. In the thymus hyperplasia, microscopic picture of a little different from the physiological norm. Scalloped edge of the lobules, with a clear boundary layers. Lymphoid and epithelial components in the cortex and medulla were more pronounced as compared to the physiological norm. Immunohistochemistry in the thymus of children who died before 1 year ago there has been a a decrease in the relative volume of of the mature forms thymocytes expressing the antigens CD3, CD4 +, CD8 +. The children who died over the age of one year from HIV – infected mothers there is an increase the relative volume of all forms of mature thymocytes. The relative volume of thymocytes different degrees of maturity expressing the CD7 markers, CD38 and decreases. The relative volume of young forms of of thymocytes with Thy-1 antigen in children who died at an early age from HIV – infected mothers exceeds that index the comparison group. Conclusions. Compared with the group of stillbirths and of infants of HIV – infected mothers of children aged 6 months to 5 years histological picture of the thymus is more homogeneous and is represented dysplasia with atrophy. In the thymus of children who died at an early age from HIV – infected women compared to HIV – infected stillborn and newborns are identified morphological and functional immunnohistochemical signs of increased activity both on the part lymphoid and epithelial components, manifested by increased cell density, increased their proliferative activity and the degree of maturation. Despite signs of increasing the functional activity of the thymus children of early age from HIV – infected mothers, the degree increase in activity of the immune system response was insufficient to ensure immune homeostasis compatible with life.


thymus, HIV infection, children


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 323-327 pages, index UDK 616. 438 – 053. 1/. 31 – 02: 618. 3 – 06: