Demkovych A. Ye.

Effect of Thiotriazoline on Development Process of Cytokinegenesis Activity in Experimental Postextraction Alveolitis

About the author:

Demkovych A. Ye.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In the pathogenesis and course of inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area are important cytokines – a group of hormone-like proteins and peptides, inflammatory mediators. An imbalance in cytokine system plays a significant role in the nature of the course and consequences of inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area including postextraction alveolitis. To correct the violations of cytokine was chosen thiotriazolin that exhibits antioxidant, anti-ischemic, and membrane-stabilizing effect of immunomodulating. Experiments were performed on white outbred rats clinically healthy weight 150 – 200 g in vivarium conditions. The animals were divided into 3 groups: I – intact animals (n = 10), II – animals with experimental postextraction alveolitis 5 day (n = 6), III – animals with experimental postextraction alveolitis treated by thiotriazolin (n = 6). Experimental postextraction alveolitis (EPA) in experimental animals caused by injection of a mixture of microorganisms hole diluted protein. On the 5th day of experimental animals observed changes in the soft tissues of the lower jaw in the area of extraction, accompanied with edema and hyperemia of the mucosa, they were sacrificed by bloodletting under thiopental anesthesia. In the third group of rats was used thiotriazolin by intramuscular injection (100 mg / kg of animal) for 5 days. The results are statistically worked on using non-parametric statistical methods To correct the violations we cytokine was chosen thiotriazolin that exhibits antioxidant, anti-ischemic, and membrane-stabilizing effect of immunomodulating. For further studies selected blood serum. Serum determined the content pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α and anti-inflammatory cytokines – IL-10. The article investigates the effectiveness of antioxidant thiotriazoline to normalize cytokine parts of the immune system. By being immunomodulating effects on humoral immunity in experimental postextraction alveolitis, thiotriazolin reduces serum content of Ig G and circulat- ing immune complexes facilitates extinction of inflammation. In forming the experimental postextraction alveolitis use of antioxidants thiotriazolin resulted in decrease of IL-1β by 10. 6 % (p < 0,05) in serum of animals against a group of animals with EPA who did not receive the drug, significantly increased production of IL-6. The level of the proinflam- matory cytokine simulated in this pathology increased (1,31 times, p < 0,05) compared with animals from postextrac- tion alveolitis 5th day, resulting in reduction of TNF-α in serum by 25. 1 % (p < 0. 05) against these indicators groups of animals with EPA on the 5th day of the experiment, which did not enter the tool. In animals treated thiotriazolin in blood serum decreased content of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 (1,39 times, p < 0,01) compared with animals with alveolitis that during this period did not receive the drug. There is no doubt that this cytokine is dependent on the progress and result of inflammation in this condition. Thiotriazolin showing immunomodulating effects on humoral immunity and antioxidant properties in the development of experimental postextraction alveolitis, affect the produc- tion of cytokines, thus changing their concentration in serum according to the stage of formation of inflammation in the tissues of the hole of tooth extraction. It was established that correction of changes in pro-and anti-inflam- matory cytokines in experimental postextraction alveolitis should be used antioxidant thiotriazolin as regulator of cytokinegenesis. We proposed an efficient way to correct violations of cytokine serum of white rats in experimental alveolitis thiotriazoline be promising in future clinical researches.


postextraction alveolitis, cytokines profiles, thiotriazoline


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (113), 2014 year, 355-358 pages, index UDK 612. 017-02:616. 314-089. 87-06:616. 716. 85-085. 225. 2/. 272. 4]-092. 9