Hapon Ju. V.


About the author:

Hapon Ju. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The history of bryophyte urboecosystems study in the Left Bank Ukraine and the state of urbobryological researches were distinguished. The results of the literature review elucidated the contribution of Ukrainian bryologists to the study of bryophyte cities of Left-Bank Ukraine. The total wealth of bryoflora variety of each mentioned city was represented in the article. The best studied is the bryoflora of Kyiv and its environs, which numbers at present about 250 species of bryophytes. Among them, 2 species from Antocerotophyta division, 40 species of Marchantiophyta division and 200 – Bryophyta division can be defined. In the East of Ukraine the most studied are bryophytes inhabiting Kharkov city, where bryoflora numbers 92 species of bryophytes. The third place in the richness of bryophyte species composition occupies urboecosystem of Poltava city and its surroundings, which numbers at present according to original data 67 species of mosses. Among them, five species of Marchantiophyta division and 62 of Bryophyta division can be represented. The cities of the South-East of Ukraine, namely technogenic transformed ecotopes of Donetsk, Dzerzhynsk, Krasnoarmyisk, Sviatogorsk, Makiivka, number 38 species of bryophytes. There is incomplete information about small number of bryophyte towns on the Left Bank Ukraine. The richest is urbanobryoflora of Pereiaslav-Khmelnytsky and its surroundings, which consists of 66 bryophyte species and includes four species of Marchantiophyta division, and 62 of Bryophyta division; Balaklia and Izium number 25 species, Kupiansk – 18 species. Previous results of our research widened information about bryophytes in Lubny and its environs and Myrgorod and its surroundings. Moss grouping and their classification is one of the least developed progressive branches of bryologic researches. Nowadays, there is evidence of number epiphytic bryogrouping on the Left-Bank Ukraine cities: Poltava, Sumy, Lubny, etc. According to the ecological-floristic classification they belong to three classes of moss vegetation: Neckeretea complanatae Marst. 1986, Frullanio dilatatae-Leucodontetea sciuroidis Mohan 1978 em. Marst. 1985, Cladonio digitatae-Lepidozietea reptantis Jez. & Vondr. 1962, three orders, five alliances, eight associations and three groups without rank. Minor information about chromosome numbers of bryophyte ecosystems concerns Kiev, Poltava cities. It is determined that bryophyte cities are investigated according to the following directions: 1) floristic; 2) ecological-coenotic; 3) cariologic; 4) bryoindicative; 5) bryosyntaxonomic. The most developed directions among mentioned are floristic, ecological-coenotic and bryoindicative. Most often bryologic researches of urboecosystems study species composition of bryophytes, and find out their ecological-coenotic features, namely: life forms and ecomorphs according to the leading environmental factors. Bryoindicative studies are based on the ability of bryophytes and their groups to act as indicators of environmental condition.


bryophytes, moses, urboecosystem, bryoflora of urboecosystem, research directions


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 13-16 pages, index UDK 582.32:581.42/45(630)