Zachepylo S. V.


About the author:

Zachepylo S. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Represented literature review states the increasing frequency of fungal diseases of various localization nowadays. According to WHO, 20% of the world's population suffers from fungal diseases. The otomycosis incidence rate is also noted in the countries with a moderate climate. It was analyzed that the ear fungal lesions range from 10 to 38% in the structure of inflammatory ear diseases. The main causative agents of otomycoses are potentially pathogenic molds Aspergillus, Рenicillium, Mucor genera and yeasts of Сandidа genus, which are widely spread in nature and only under certain conditions can acquire pathogenic properties and affect organs and systems of man. Ear inflammations caused by Aspergillus are diagnosed in 61-65% of cases, by Рenicillium in 8-10%, by Candida in 24-29%, in some cases, the disease was caused by Mucor and Alternaria fungi. The differences in the etiology of various otomycoses forms were highlighted and increasing role of associative processes in the development of inflammatory ear lesions was stated. The mentioned features of etiological factor should be considered when choosing treatment preparations. The main pathogenetic links of the pathological process were analyzed in the article. It was defined the importance of endogenous and exogenous risk factors of otomycosis development when fungi modify saprophytic way of life to parasitic and cause disease. Clinical manifestations and course of otomycoses are conditioned by number of factors: the type of causative agent, localization, presence of concomitant diseases. Systematization and description of otoscopic changes in various forms of fungal ear lesions and also according to the genus and species of the agents were performed. Otomycoses stages of diagnostics include detailed data taking of clinical course features, medical history, otoscopic changes and methods of laboratory diagnostics. Microbiological diagnosis of otomycoses is based on microscopic, mycological, histopathological, immunological and molecular - genetic studies. Specification of mentioned diagnosis methods of mycotic ear diseases was performed and informative value and shortcomings were represented. Otomycoses treatment includes the use of specific antimycotic and nonspecific (desensibilizing, probiotics, immunomodulators, vitamine) medications, elimination of the factors that cause disease development, physiotherapeutic methods (ultraviolet irradiation), local action preparations. The main criterion for the rational antifungal treatment is based on the results of antifungal agents susceptibility examination. Classification of antifungals according to different factors, their clinical effectiveness are represented in the article and the main principles of mycotic lesions treatment of different ear areas were defined.


otomycosis, etiological factor, laboratory diagnostics, antifungal preparations, treatment


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 22-26 pages, index UDK 616.28-002.828