Pikas O. B.


About the author:

Pikas O. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Smoking cigarettes among the population is increasing annually. Today in the world there are about 1,3 billion people who smoke, in the CIS countries — near 29% of the adult population, in countries of Europe — up to 28%. World consumption of tobacco is 1650 cigarettes per person per year. By consumption of cigarettes Ukraine ranks 17 th place among of all countries in the past 10 years it has increased 5 times. In Ukraine 19 million smoke cigarettes people (40% at age older than 15 years). In Ukraine smokes every second man and every fifth woman. In recent years the number of smokers among women in Ukraine increased 3 times. In the world die each year 4-5 million people, by 2030 this figure may amount to 10 million people. Most smokers (52,4%) smoke cigarettes more than 10 years, the third part — more than 10 years. In cigarette smoke contains about 1900 components, under which influence possible toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects on humans. It consists of nicotine, ammonia, pyrimidine bases dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, cyanide, acetic and formic acids and other toxic substances. In cigarette smoke particles detected nickel, cadmium and polonium. In the room where smoker’s concentration of nicotine is from 8 to 20 mg/m3 air, and in a room where smoking is prohibited, its concentration is 0,3 mg/m3 air. Smoking tobacco is a major cause of disease and premature death from them. Smokers, who use more than one pack of cigarettes a day, get sick lung cancer 20-30 times more likely than non-smokers. A similar trend is observed relative to mortality from cancer. Smoking prevalence is correlated with the occurrence of lung disease and mortality from them. Tobacco smoking is the leading cause of death from coronary heart disease, lung cancer and chronic respiratory. Smoking cigarettes significantly reduces human life (from 3 to 8 years), causing vascular sclerosis and is one of the factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension, angina, stroke. In the world resulting from smoking die each year 4-5 million people, by 2030 this figure could reach 10 million people. The prevalence of smoking among physicians is lower (20%) than among their patients (39,8%). Smoking 20 or more cigarettes a day among doctors is 22,1% less than 10 cigarettes a day — 25,9%. The main causes of smoking, anti-stress effect (29,0%), the presence of nicotine dependence (15,3%), relaxation (8,1%) and weight loss (8,1%). In one year in the lungs of heavy smoker flagged about 1 kg of tobacco tar. It is includes also one of the radioactive elements — polonium. The man who smokes one pack a day of cigarettes, receives the radiation dose 3,5 times larger on a dose adopted for the norm. The incidence of lung cancer in men is the second (after stomach cancer). Found an association of smoking with psychological problems. Contribute to this stress, neurosis, parenting style and features development. Active and passive smokers inhale the same amount of toxins that equally effect on human health. Children who are growing in families of smokers is very often suffer from a respiratory infections. In them increased incidence rate of asthma. In patients with asthma attacks are amplified, is increased the number of dose and the use of hormonal drugs. Passive smoking causes children annually 500 thousand additional visits to the pediatrician about asthma, 1,3 million visits concerning cough, 115 thousand cases of pneumonia about 14 thousand cases on tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, 260 thousand cases of bronchitis and 2 000 000 cases of acute otitis media. Thus, effective tobacco control must envisage a number of measures that reduce health risks and enhance the formation of a healthy and active lifestyle.


active and passive smoking, cigarettes, morbidity


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 48-52 pages, index UDK 613.84