Tagiyeva F. A.


About the author:

Tagiyeva F. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Currently, the metabolic syndrome is defined as a pandemic of the XXI century. Metabolic syndrome prevalence is 10-40% and depends on gender, age, ethnicity and the criteria used for diagnosis, and its highest occurrence is observed in economically developed countries. However, not fully formulated conventional and exhaustive criteria of metabolic syndrome. The new version of the definition of metabolic syndrome was presented in 2005 at the I International Congress on prediabetes and the metabolic syndrome. Fundamentally new position was the contention of abdominal obesity as the main criterion for diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. To metabolic syndrome include hypertension, dyslipidaemia, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease and insulin independent diabetes mellitus. This Association emphasizes the existence of common regularities in the development of these diseases and opens new possibilities in prevention and treatment. Distinguish complete and incomplete forms of the metabolic syndrome. The presence of 2-3 components indicates incomplete form, more than 4 violations — the full form of the metabolic syndrome. At the current pace of disease growth, by 2025 the world will count more than 300 million people with this diagnosis. Overweight and obesity — a disease characterized by excessive deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue and tissues due to impaired metabolism. Obesity can be an independent disease or as a symptom of diseases, the cause of which is often a dysfunction of the endocrine glands or the Central nervous system. In epidemiological studies it was shown that in patients who are overweight are significantly more likely to develop diseases of the musculoskeletal system, hepatobiliary system, lung cancer, breast cancer, cancer of uterine body and ovarian. On the background of obesity in women quite often there is a violation of ovarian-menstrual functions, and infertility. To date there is no consensus about the underlying cause of metabolic disorders in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome, which is caused by a combination of genetic factors and lifestyle. One of the possible causes of development of metabolic syndrome in patients with abdominal obesity may be a hormonal exchange. According to another hypothesis, the primary pathogenesis is the disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism, which other types of exchanges is changing under the influence of external factors. The resulting hyperglycemia causes hyperinsulinemia, as a compensatory reaction. Currently, there is no doubt the role of hereditary predisposition in the formation of metabolic syndrome. In this regard, relevant is the search for informative genetic markers, allowing timely detection of patients belonging to the group of high risk of development of metabolic syndrome, and accordingly carry out prevention activities at a preclinical stage of the syndrome. Thus, a genetic predisposition to insulin resistance and obesity in combination with low physical activity and excess supply determines the development of obesity and insulin resistance tissue, and, as a consequence, compensatory hyperinsulinaemia with subsequent development of impaired glucose tolerance and the formation of metabolic syndrome.


metabolic syndrome, obesity, insulin resistance


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 53-56 pages, index UDK 616-056.52-08