Yanishen I. V., Diudina I. L.


About the author:

Yanishen I. V., Diudina I. L.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In article to give the literature survey which touch upon the important question. This is question to connect with influence on receptor apparatus of tooth in during of operation preparation the hard tissues of teeth on stage of treatment with non-removable casting denture. Analysis data of literary source to show about destroying influence of the preparation on hard tissues of teeth and more on process of odontoblast. This is has been the main causes of inflamacion and destruction of pulp. Irritation the process of odontoblast to lead to forming the substitutive dentin. This is has been protective reaction on destroying of dentin. But in during process of deep preparation the destroying will be is taking more quickly and forming the substitutive dentin more slowly and don’t full volume. Besides, the destruction of odontoblast on the data many researchers was connect with process of evaporation of dentin liquid from peripheral section of dentin tubules in result of increase the temperature. In during operation of preparation will be shortening the process of odontoblast like result its damage. The decay product of odontoblast have effect on other odontoblast then its traumatizing and destruction. Substances will be have effect on lower layer of pulp and to lead till the inflammation. Pain reaction on mechanical irritation of odontoblast to connect with phenomen of capillarity. The movements of dentin liquid to arise the vibration of cells and like result — irritation the receptors of odontoblast layer. This is to arise the deformation of mechanical reception which located on margin of pulp and predentin of crowns part. This is mechanical reception A-fibers which to have the reaction on irritation and to arise the pain. The sensible fibers in dentin are absent. Sensible of dentin on different irritation to explaining by different hypothesis, but more well-founded have been the hydrodynamic phenomen by Brannstrum. With account this is phenomen nervus fifers have contact with odontoblast liquor which located in dentin tubules and this is fibers are mechanical reception which answer for pain in slightly deformation, in irritation other C-fibers to arise the pain with more hight limen then in A-fibers. Fast flow of liquor in dentin tubules are activate the capillarity and to arise the pain. Used in practice of dentist orthopedic the method devitalization the pulp of supporting teeth with purpouse of prevention the inflammation process in pulp don’t decide the problem of save the integrity of hard tissues and prolongation the terms of used non-removable denture. This is to lead till some change such as: dehydration, change the structures of hard tissues, increase interstitial tension, arise different level of mineralization, in periodontium to change the functional state of vessels and other. Devitalization to lead till change strength of hard tissues. This is connect with extract together with pulp considerable part of mechanical reception. Because for take advancement of optimal result of orthopedic treatment by non-removable denture necessary make the deep preparzation with next resulting treatment of postoperative wound of dentin. This is way more perspective, but sufficient difficult.


reception apparatus, process of odontoblast, mechanical reception, devitalization, strength of hard tissues, substituted dentin


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 62-66 pages, index UDK 616.883.154/.156-02:616.314.18-089.87-089.818.1