Myronenko S. G.


About the author:

Myronenko S. G.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article covers the problem of school load adaptation pertaining junior schoolchildren (pupils of the 1-4 forms). Nowadays, the problem is gaining increasing importance, involving both medical and pedagogical sciences. Reforming of educational system does not always consider the physiological resources of the child's organism and age maturity of the child. The ontogenesis period of a child, that covers school age, is one of the most sensitive to the action of exogenous and endogenous factors, that can facilitate development or affect it. It especially concerns primary school children, when significant changes associated with the sudden increase of school load during the transition from nursery to primary school occur in the child's life. The initial school period, when physiological changes of child’s organism coincide with social changes, is very important moment in child's life. During this period, the adaptation process has the character of stress response, that causes fatigue in children. Its accumulation slowly reduces adaptation level of the organism to the environmental conditions. Further, the various changes, characterized by decrease of functional potentials of the organism occur, thus increased, especially inadequate mental work load of the pupil is inseparably connected with the change of the health quantity and quality. The ways of fatigue development prevention and approaches of educational activity optimization were defined in the article. It was noted, that rationally organized academic activity of the pupils and sufficient time for physical activity will prevent the negative complications of systematic school load, that is, the learning process should be realized with a certain alternation of different activities in a certain routine. The basis of all regulation measures is a dynamic stereotype, the kind of human activity, constituting a series of conditioned reflexes, which follow in a certain order one by one and at specific time intervals, when the completion of one conditioned reflex becomes the signal for the start of the next. A dynamic stereotype formed in the process of learning is the basis of pedagogical practice. It is the foundation of the school year, week, day; schedules of work and rest, dietary regimen. Biological rhythms in the functioning of the nervous system should be taken into account when planning everyday routine of the pupils. According to scientific studies, the high level of cortical excitability in the morning and afternoon, its reducing after lunch and dropping in the evening was stated in most of healthy children. The study of the working ability dynamics among schoolchildren during the day states that there are two working ability raises, which coincide with periods of high level of physiological functions. First working ability raise can be observed in 8-12 hours, the second in 16-18 hours. The basic elements of junior pupils day regimen (classes at school and at home, outdoor rest, regular and adequate food, hygienically restful sleep) were defined and their nature and importance were distinguished. It was noted, in particular, that from 1 to 2 hours per day depending on the age of the pupil should be given for the homework performing: in 1st class – 1 hour, 2nd class – 1,5 hours, in 3-4 classes – 2 hours. Presence on the fresh air should last 3 – 3,5 hours per day and watching TV and playing computer no more than 30 minutes a day. The recommended duration of sleep is 10 – 11 hours. The data regarding the sequence and duration of the various activities and rest during the day were represented. The daily routine is arranged taking into account the periods of rise and decline of physiological functions and compliance with its requirements. It is a prerequisite for effective adaptation of junior pupils to regular school load.


primary school children, teaching load, the main elements of the daily routine of the pupil


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 72-75 pages, index UDK 613/614:373.3-053.5