Dunaevskaya О. F.


About the author:

Dunaevskaya О. F.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Object and methods. For research were conducted selection of mature spleen сalifornia breed rabbits (6-8 mons) of both sexes (ratio female: male was 1:1). We determined the absolute, relative body mass index of the spleen (IS). For histological studies pieces of material recorded in the 10-12% refrigerated neutral formalin solution, with subsequent filling in paraffin. Paraffin sections were made at sled microtome MC-2, with thickness less than 10 microns. To study the morphology of cells and tissues used in light microscopy, hematoxylin and eosin staining by Van Ghisoni. Research results. According to hydrometric indicators: the body length is 7,45 ± 0,75 cm; the width — 6,45 ± 0,45 cm; the IS thus amounted to 85,13 ± 11,97%, because its shape is defined as elongated. The absolute spleen weight is 1,722 ± 0,201 g, a relative — 0,039 ± 0,0048%. The support-contractile apparatus of splenic is formed capsule and trabeculae. The capsule consists of two layers: the outer (flexible) and internal (muscle). The support-contractile apparatus is formed by dense fibrous connective tissue with collagen and elastic fibers and bundles of smooth muscle cells. The muscular layer is presented myocytes polymorphic forms. The thickness of the capsule in different parts of the body varies, most of it is developed at the gate and has reached 83,00 mcm. However thickening met across it is surface and range from 24,9 to 83,00 microns. On the visceral surface the thickness it is smallest — 4,98 microns and. Thus the average value of the thickness of the splenic capsule of rabbits is 40,70 ± 15,83 mcm. The trabeculae have a different shape, basically elongated and oval. They are divided into vascular, connecting and radial. The few radial trabeculae were thin, rarely depart from the capsule. Their length ranges from 41,5 to 406,7 mcm, average — 138,51 ± 90,05, width from 12.45 to 33.2 microns, average — 22,31 ± 5,85 mcm. The single connecting trabeculae are located in the red pulp evenly and have small sizes. For parameters they are look like radial: the length are 136,95 ± 81,82, width — 22,83 ± 9,58 mcm. The most developed vascular network are of trabeculae. They are identified arterioles and venules. Their length were 111,46 ± 50,36 mcm, width — 20,39 ± 3,94. On the all trabecular thr beams of myocytes are poorly developed. The relative area of support-contractile apparatus according morphometric study mades 5,87 ± 0,69%, including share amounted of the capsule equals 58,26%. Parenchyma of the spleen is presented with white and red pulp, which are based reticular fabric reticular fibers. The white pulp is 17,68 ± 4,40% of relative area of the spleen. In the pulp are isolated lymphoid nodules (LN) and periarterialni lymphoid sheath. The LN is 67,59% of white pulp, in their composition clearly stand out periarterialna zone around the central artery, bright center, mantle and marginal zone. The structure LN had most development of the marginal zone, whose share was 38,85 ± 11,98%, the smallest — light center (17,37 ± 6,01%). The value of the bright center, mantle zone, marginal zone pariarterialnoyi area is 1: 1,62: 2,24: 1,16 respectively. The shape of the LN was the round, oval, elongated mostly. They were located in the pulp evenly, sometimes without clear boundaries passed in red pulp. A characteristic feature of the spleen rabbits is conglomerates of lymphoid tissue, which combined 3-5, sometimes 7-8 LN. The tooks 76,45 ± 3,78% of weight of the spleen. The red pulp is contained numerous blood cells that gave it a red color, a macrophages and a blood vessels. The ellipsoids are available. Also was observed extensive network of venous sinuses. The length of the vessels was 73,66 ± 39,90 mcm, width — 29,05 ± 4,15 mcm diameter 20,75 ± 4,15, the thickness of the vessel wall was 7,47 ± 2,10 mcm. The interrelation of white and red pulp was 1: 4.32, the ratio of support-contractile apparatus for pulp — 1: 16,04.


spleen, morphology, morphometry, california breed rabbits, capsule, trabeculae, pulp, lymphoid follicles


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 80-83 pages, index UDK 636.92:591.441