Babienko V. V., Gvantseladze K. R.


About the author:

Babienko V. V., Gvantseladze K. R.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Among the priorities of state policy in the field of public health issues takes a special place to ensure safe working conditions and the health of the working population. Transport is an important part of the industrial and social infrastructure of settlements, indeed engaged in passenger transport system to be a person of influence complex environment factors that may cause occupational diseases. In the EU Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Strategic Framework (2014-2020) there was stated that the vehicles, despite all the measures taken, continues to be among the most disadvantaged by conditions sectors, along with construction, agriculture, fishing and area of medical — social services. The aim of the study was to develop a scheme of social and hygienic monitoring of the health status of drivers taxi. The research was performed during 2010-2015. The work consists of three main stages. In the first phase (2010-2011) there were evaluated the working conditions of route taxi drivers reporting information and analyzed the results of medical examinations for the last 5 years. In the second phase (2011-2012) there was conducted an assessment of the health status of route taxi drivers using objective methods of clinical and physiological, physiological and laboratory research. Simultaneously there were conducted hygiene conditions of the study to the definition of the characteristics of the production microclimate, noise, vibration, dust in the workplace; ergonomic assessment of the workplace characteristics, duration of working time. Study group amounted to 200 people, including 150 — on busy city routes and 50 — on suburban routes. The control group consisted of 100 healthy amateur drivers who are not related to commercial passenger transport. The third phase conducted a statistical analysis of the definition mentioned various risk factors and developed a comprehensive scheme of preventive measures against drivers of taxis. There was established that 7.7% of the patients considered eligible for limited driving for health reasons, temporary disability cases over the past two years among workers according to medical records were absent. It is shown that the microclimate in cabins of minibuses, working in taxi mode, in cold seasons were overcooling or intermittent, and in summer — overheating with dominated temperature factor. The levels of dust, noise and vibration in the workplace taxi drivers within the observation period did not exceed beyond the permissible limit values. It is proved that the state of adaptation reserves taxi drivers defined stress and exhaustion. The scheme of social and hygienic monitoring of health condition of drivers provides for psychophysiological and clinical and physiological criteria determining risk group, which includes people with verified donozologic states and exhaustion of adaptive reserves. Prospects for future research are related to introducing information systems support schemes developed social and hygienic monitoring of health taxi drivers at the regional and national level.


social and hygienic monitoring, transport, health drivers, route taxi.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 100-104 pages, index UDK 616/12-057-073.97