Shokhova M. O.


About the author:

Shokhova M. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The main Ukrainian ore mining enterprises of ore cropping are located in Dnipropetrovsk area, where is the biggest number of employees who work in inappropriate sanitary-hygienic standard conditions. Objectives. Identify modern hygienic working conditions at the ore cropping mines, for finding of the most important harmful production factors which upregulate development of lungs pathology professional genesis. Materials and methods. Hygienic estimation of working conditions and production environment according to State sanitary standards and rules ‘working hygienic classification according to harmfulness and danger of working environment factors indices’ Statistics elaboration of researches was made with parametric technique including minimum, maximum, equivalent and average working environment harmful factors depending on their hygienic rating. Results. It’s established that 69,8% of ore deep-mining employees are influenced by dust, mostly of fibrogenic action, 40% is harmful chemical substance (sulfuric acid anhydride, ammonia, carbon oxide, nitrogen dioxide etc.). 54.7% of employees work in conditions of vibration influence which is higher than the threshold level (TL), and noise is 38.9%. Almost 90% employees work in conditions of unfriendly environment influence. There is hard and stressful work among 11.7% and 11.5% of ore deep-mining employees properly. Conclusions 1. It was established during general hygienic estimation of working environment that almost 90% employees of essential professions work in harmful, hard and stressful working conditions. 2. It was established that dust high level of fibrogenic action mostly, that upregulates developing of dust pulmonary pathology genesis, takes place for all main modern ore deep-mining professions and according to hygienic working classification they are included in the 3rd class of the 2nd harmfulness grade, and only a lorry-load operator and a shot-firer is included in the 3rd class of the 1st harmfulness grade. The highest dust levels of fibrogenic action take place at a shaft man, a refining front miner and a timber man working place. 3. No less important harmful working factor in pulmonary pathology professional genesis is environment criteria, according to that all the professions are characterized as the 3rd class of the 1st harmfulness grade. Also an important working factor in pulmonary pathology professional genesis is hard manual work, that is included in the 3rd class of the 2nd harmfulness grade according to the hygienic working classification. A ripper is included in the 3rd class of the 3rd grade and a front miner is included in the 3rd class of the 1st harmfulness grade. 4. During the general working environment employees’ estimation of the main ore deep mining professions they are included in the 3rd class of the 3rd harmfulness grade according to the hygienic working classification. Established characteristics in the working environment of the main ore deep mining professions are a basis for further researches of the professional pulmonary dust pathology etiology and pathogenesis in ore mining industry.


working environment, ore mining industry


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 105-110 pages, index UDK 613.6: 622