Bezrodnaya A. I., Vyshnytska I. A., Melnyk O. G., Ovetchyn P. V., Rezunenko J. K.


About the author:

Bezrodnaya A. I., Vyshnytska I. A., Melnyk O. G., Ovetchyn P. V., Rezunenko J. K.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The influence of harmful environmental factors on the body of warm-blooded animals necessitates evaluation reactions of biological systems at different levels of structural and functional organization aimed at preserving adaptation and homeostatic body functions. In this regard, the urgent problem is to further study the mechanisms of pathological states in crisis state of the biosphere and negative environmental contamination by chemical, physical and biological factors that are able to shape the development of environmentally caused diseases and pathological conditions. This fully applies to the production of oligoesters, which are powerful polluters of the environment, worker industrial zone, chemical plants and water. On the volume and range of world production of this group of compounds chemicals is second surfactants. Every year in the production of new brands introduced all regulated oligoesters with physicochemical properties that require careful study of their effects on various organs, systems and functions of the body and the projection of the potential hazard to people and the environment. One of the unique features of living organisms is their ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions of residence and maintain homeostasis sustainability through the mechanisms of self-regulation in the implementation of which the leading role played by hormones. In higher organisms coordinated course of biochemical processes not only holistic but also in the formation of individual subcellular (mitochondria, microtomes, Holzhi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus, etc.) are determined humoral mechanisms that emerged during evolution. Through these mechanisms the body perceives various environmental influences and internal environment, subtly adjusting the intensity of metabolism and energy. In the regulation of these processes and consistency in the implementation of the numerous reactions hormonal system occupies an intermediate position between the nervous system and the action of enzymes. It is known that the regulation is implemented by changing the exchange rate of enzymatic reactions, which in turn depends on the catalytic activity of enzymes. The aim of the work was to study the metabolism of hormones and histohormones of white rats exposed to prolonged exposure to sub-toxic doses of oligoesters in a subacute toxicological experiment. Oligoesters at dose 1/100 DL50 can disrupt a protein, carbohydrate, mineral and energy metabolism. Xenobiotics L-3603-2-12 and L-10002-2-80 at a dose 1/100 DL50 provide the advantage of catabolic processes over anabolic synthesis, activating the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid gland as a nonspecific protective adaptive reaction of the body aimed at ensuring homeostatic functions. Oligoesters at dose 1/100 DL50 be able to inhibit gonadotropin and sex hormones, which indicates that their negative impact on the experimental animals generative function.


«Laproly», hormonal metabolism, phosphorus-calcium metabolism, energy metabolism, protein metabolism, xenobiotics, toxicity, environmental health


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 120-124 pages, index UDK 61: 613.- 613.63 - 613.6.02 - 613.632