Voronkova Yu. S., Ivanskaya L. V.


About the author:

Voronkova Yu. S., Ivanskaya L. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The question of effective markers for tracking the patients always remains open, because have place the search for the most illustrative and most easily definable characteristics. Biochemical analysis of blood is one of the most accessible for clinical laboratories and at the same time is informative for some pathologies. In particular, it is known that under the tumor growth anemia is often develop, and it can also be triggered by the use of anticancer drugs. Different characteristics of blood can be used as markers. One of these are red blood cells, whose number and biochemical activity are informative especially when compared with the whole blood markers, such as hematocrit and total hemoglobin. In most cases the specific characteristics of red blood cells are use, for example, the total amount of the average volume of red blood cells, the average content of hemoglobin, mean hemoglobin concentration, the coefficient of variation of the volume of red blood cells, which give a mean of the general trends of processes. The aim of research was to study the erythrocyte indexes under B12-deficiency anemia and the gastroduodenal tract tumors. Materials and methods. Study of biochemical markers of blood and red blood cells of relatively healthy persons, persons with B12-deficiency anemia and the gastroduodenal tract tumors was made with use of a hematology analyzer Swelab Alfa (Boule Medical, Sweden). Results and discussion. It was established that the decrease of total hemoglobin in the blood of people with gastroduodenal tract tumors was 2.18 times compared to the relatively healthy persons and 1.62 times — compared to a group of people only with B12-deficiency anemia. The level of hemoglobin with the tumors averaged 64.2 ± 5.43 g/l, causing severe degree of anemia. It was determined that under the development of B12-deficiency anemia levels of hematocrit decreased on 24.3% compared to control, and in patients with tumors with anemia — at 2.13 times compared to the control group and 1.6 times compared with the group only with B12-anemia. In the group of people with B12-deficiency anemia, the total number of red blood cells was reduced on 42% compared to the relatively healthy people. This marker in patients with gastroduodenal tract tumors was 2.8 times lower than the control. In the study of basic red blood cell indexes shown that under the development of B12-deficiency anemia values of MCV and MCH (34.7% and 26%) and RDW (52%) increased and MHCH (6.2%) decreased. Under the development of tumors with the B12-deficiency anemia MCV and MCH (38.8% and 30%) and RDW (102%) also increased; MHCH (6.0%) decreased compared to control, that indicate the development of anemic state. The problem of cancer pathology and complications that it determine, in first is the development of anemic conditions, requires monitoring of the patient and effectiveness of therapeutic measures, for which can be applied various markers. Among perspective markers can highlight the biochemical markers of red blood cells, which are quite representative and their identifying are available for most clinical biochemical laboratories. Therefore, further study of changes in the erythrocyte indexes under the B12-deficiency anemia and tumors can afford to increase the effectiveness of surveillance of the patient and their treatment.


red blood cells, biochemical characteristics, gastroduodenal tract, cancer, anemia


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 141-145 pages, index UDK 541.49: 546.719