Goncharov M. P., Shveda Y. I.


About the author:

Goncharov M. P., Shveda Y. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Today the urgency is the issue of surgical treatment of pancreatitis, as in recent years in Ukraine and the world has seen a sharp increase in cases of acute pancreatitis and deaths of the disease, despite the possibilities of modern medicine. The incidence of chronic pancreatitis in Europe is 4-8 cases and prevalence — 25 cases per 100 thousand. Population, according autopsiy — 0.3-0.4%. The true incidence of acute pancreatitis remains a subject of debate, has geographical features (in t. H. Etiology GP) and its rating depends on the development of diagnostics. For example, in the UK it varies from 150 to 420 cases per million population, pancreatitis is about 3% of all causes of hospitalization for abdominal pain. In the US, the incidence of acute pancreatitis estimated as 270 cases per 100 000 population aged 15-44 years and 540 cases per 100 000 population aged over 65 years. In this country in 1998 recorded 183,000 cases of the disease. In some countries (Great Britain) believe that acute pancreatitis is more common in men, the other (US) its frequency in men and women estimated as roughly equal. Overall believe that men pancreatitis is mainly alcoholic etiology, whereas women mostly associated with cholelithiasis. According to research in Ukraine the incidence of disorders of the pancreas in 2012 was 226 cases per 100 thousand. Population prevalence — 2 471 100 thousand population. This difference in the number of patients with chronic pancreatitis in Ukraine and other countries may be associated with overdiagnosis at diagnosis pancreatitis, as well as higher levels of alcohol abuse, which is a major cause of the disease, unbalanced nutrition. Pancreatitis is on the list of diseases that are tightly controlled by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. According to Center for Health Statistics Ministry of Health of Ukraine in recent years, diseases of the pancreas inherent largest increase. The incidence of chronic pancreatitis is growing and has grown over the decade to 74%. Striking first persons of working age 82.7% (25-59 years) with recurrent course of progression of functional pancreatic insufficiency. Therefore, early detection, treatment and prevention of pancreatitis is not only medical but also social and economic problem. Acute pancreatitis often gives complication in the form of redness and swelling purulent in which conventional treatment methods have become ineffective. So you can only help the patient through surgery. The authors proved that surgical treatment of patients with pancreatitis is the most efficient and effective than medical therapy. In fact, patients after surgery have a significantly lower chance of complications than after conventional treatment medications.


acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, diagnosis, surgery, treatment, sick, surgery, mortality


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 151-156 pages, index UDK 616.37-002-036.11:616.