Bubalo K. V., Golodok L. P., Khlopova A. V., Vinnikov A. I.


About the author:

Bubalo K. V., Golodok L. P., Khlopova A. V., Vinnikov A. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Wide dissemination of urogenital mycoplasmas and their frequent identification in healthy subjects complicate the definition of the role of these microorganisms in the pathogenesis of diseases of the urogenital tract. Some researchers believe Mycoplasma opportunistic microorganisms, pointing to the possibility of separating them from clinically healthy individuals and asymptomatic clinical course of mycoplasmosis [6]. However according to other authors [11], Mycoplasma are pathogenic agents and the allocation of them from clinically healthy individuals should be seen as a threatening carriage, given the long persistent action of the pathogen, as well as the possibility of increasing the virulence of strains of Mycoplasma. In addition, according to the latest data there increased the frequency of the spread of mycoplasma mixed infections, which cause a pathological process, characterized by a complex set of intermicrobial relations and mutual influence of various populations of microorganisms with a common pathogenesis, the development of which is affected by every microorganism that is a part of mixed infections. Microbial associations with varying degrees of etiological significance of each microorganism can form atypical development and course of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and that is necessary to be considered in evaluating clinical and laboratory data as well as administration of appropriate therapy. An increase in the frequency of mixed infections in the structure of inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract establishes the necessity of finding etiotropic drugs, effective against complex pathogens of urogenital infections. The object of the research was the microbial Association of Mycoplasma with other microorganisms of the urogenital tract, obtained from patients the Diagnostic Center of Medical Academy in June-July 2015. In the course of the work done 110 samples of the biological material were studied by the cultural method and 104 samples were examined using PCR. The clinical material is presented by the discharge from the urethral and cervical canal of the urogenital tract of women aged 18 to 36 and older. The research was conducted by the bacteriological test system Mycoplasma IST (Biomerieux) and by molecular methods - PCR in real time. In the study of isolates from the urogenital tract of women using the cultural technique it was found that 98 out of 110 studied women had genital mycoplasmas of the following types: Ureaplasma spp. 68 (62%) and Мycoplasma hominis 8 (8%) in diagnostic titers (>104, <104 CFU/ml). Diagnostic titres of Ureaplasma spp. and M. hominis at >104 CFU in the sample pointed to a pronounced contamination by microorganisms and in titre <104 CFU in the sample indicated the carriage of these microorganisms. There was determined the existence of the dependence of the frequency of Mycoplasma detection on the age of the women examined. The highest frequency distribution of genital mycoplasmas was detected in women of reproductive age (24-29 years): Ureaplasma spp. – 35 (36%), M. hominis – 4 (4%), the lowest detection rate — in women aged 36 and older. The biocenosis in micoplasma infection was assessed and there was found the prevalence of microbial associations of Ureaplasma with Candida and obligate anaerobes — Gardnerella vaginalis, Prevotella bivia, Porhyromonas spp. — 53,8%, and Ureaplasma with Candida — 19,23%; the associations with facultative anaerobes were the least frequently met — Enterobacteriaceae + Streptococcus spp. + Eubacterium – 1,92%.


microbial associations, Mycoplasma, Mycoplasma mixed infection


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 244-248 pages, index UDK [616.6+616.8]:579.61