Boiko V. V., Nevzorov V. P., Nevzorova O. F., Zamyatin P. N., Omelchenko V. F., Protsenko E. S., Remnyova N. A.


About the author:

Boiko V. V., Nevzorov V. P., Nevzorova O. F., Zamyatin P. N., Omelchenko V. F., Protsenko E. S., Remnyova N. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


It is known that severe burns are usually accompanied by substantial impairment of renal function. Consideration of the pathogenesis of burn disease from the standpoint of dystrophic and destructive disorders at the subcellular level, makes it possible to carry out a targeted state correction burnt patients and significantly affect the very essence of the correction of burn disease. Tactics of treatment of patients with burns becomes more effective if are used knowledges of the processes occurring in all organs at the subcellular level. The aim of this study is to study the impact of severe burn injuries on the dynamics of rearrangements in organelle ultrastructure of epithelial cells in renal nephron, as well as changes in their submicroscopic architectonics while the introduction of extract of burned tissue. In the experiment were used male rats of breed Wistar, in which was simulated fatal burns. Subsequently, the animals were sacrificed after three hours or after 3 days, when the animals were in preagonic state; after that we made sampling of kidney tissue for electron microscopic examination. The burns haven’t been caused to another group of rats, while the extract of burnt skin was introduced. Quality control of the histological processing were pieces of tissue of intact experimental animals. Electron microscopic study of the ultrastructural organization of epithelial cells of renal nephron of intact animals showed the adequacy of the used methods of histological processing of tissue, since epithelial cells had submicroscopic architecture relevant to the modern concepts. Degradation of membranes and polymerization damages are not identified. 3 hours after burn injury in the epithelial cells of the proximal parts of the nephron observed reorganization of submicroscopic architectonic typical for functional tension. The changes in the form of swelling of mitochondria, expansion of cisterns in granular endoplasmic reticulum, increasing the number of membrane deformations are compensatory, caused by the inclusion of reserve compensation mechanisms in response to adverse environmental factors. In the preagonal state of rats on the third day after the simulated fatal burns changes in the ultrastructure of the epithelial cells of the proximal part of nephron were deeper. It should be noted the polymorphism of destruction not only of the cells, but also of certain organelles inside a single cell. Ultrastructure of epithelial cells of distal part of nephron 3 hours after introduction of extract of burned skin was disturbed in a less degree than the proximal. Total destruction and fragmentation of mitochondria membranes of the granular endoplasmic reticulum were absent in these cells. However, the mitochondria had multiple foci of lysis in outer membranes and cristae. Very often there are foci of lysis and loosening of granular endoplasmic reticulum membranes. The changes detected in the cells of the proximal tubules of the kidney of rats died from fatal burns and from the impact of the burnt skin extract, are essentially the same. The revealed changes in the ultrastructural architectonics of epithelial cells of proximal part of nephron three hours after the introduction of the extract of burned skin are not only compensatory and adaptive character, but also points to an increase in activity of synthetic and metabolic processes, as evidenced by the increasing number of intracellular membrane deformations. The ultrastructural organelles disturbances of epithelial cells in distal part of nephron are much less pronounced than in the proximal part. Conclusions 1. Three hours after burn injury in the epithelial cells of the proximal and distal parts of nephron observed changes of compensatory and adaptive nature, caused by the inclusion of reserve intracellular compensation mechanisms in response to adverse environmental factors. 2. In preagonal state in epithelial cells of the proximal and distal parts of the nephron of rats developed destructive processes associated with activation of catabolic reactions, one of evidence is reduction of the number of deformations in organelle membranes. 3. The changes detected in the cells of the proximal nephrons of rats died from fatal burns and from the impact of the burned skin extract were substantially identical. 4. The ultrastructural organelles disturbances of epithelial cells in distal part of nephron are much less pronounced than in the proximal part.


submicroscopic restructuring, nephron cells, simulated thermal burns


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 264-269 pages, index UDK 616.61/.63-018-575.344:616.001.17-089.11-092.9