Hodovana O. I.


About the author:

Hodovana O. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of the research was to study the level of basic and acid glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in the regenerate of artificially modeled defect under the influence of osteoplastic material replete with GAG, used in surgical treatment of generalized periodontitis. The experiment was conducted on 18 white non-linear mature female rats. For modeling of systemic osteoporosis, trilon B (EDTA), which causes imbalance of protein-mineral metabolism with osteoporotic modifications in skeletal bones, was added to rats’ diet during 60 days. The animals were divided into 3 groups (6 animals in each group). The object of intervention was a caudal vertebra, in which an artificial bone defect with sufficient size (5-5.5) was formed with dental bur. Bone tissue of the vertebra is by structure the same as the bone of a rat’s alveolar process. In group № 1 animals underwent surgical graft of material “Stimulus-Oss” (open joint-stock company Luzhskii plant “Belkozin”, the Russian Federation) – dental sponge on collagen base, 2% chlorhexidine digluconate and hydroxyapatite. Animals of group № 2 were implanted material on the basis of animal collagen, replete in sulfated glycosaminoglycans “Osteoplast®” (crumb 0.5 cm3 and porous membrane), scientific manufacturing company “Vitaform-R”, the Russian Federation. In group № 3 bone defects were sutured under blood clot. In 30 days, animals were withdrawn from the experiment, increasing exposition of ether narcosis; caudal fragment was removed for histological and histochemical examination of regenerate samples. Glycogen and basic GAG were identified by means of PAS-reaction after MacManus, and acid GAG – by alcian blue after Stidman. For detection of collagen fibers of connective tissue, Heidenhain’s azan stain was used. Histological preparations and photo registration were performed by the method of light microscopy with microscope Leica DM-2500 and camera Leica DFC450C (Switzerland). After use of material “Stimulus-Oss” (group № 1) for a month, activation of reparative osteogenesis processes was observed in samples only in the periphery of the defects, which was accompanied by the formation of reticular-fibrous tissue. Low concentration of acid GAG was detected in the center and in the periphery of the samples with the increase in amount of basic GAG. Suturing of the defect under blood clot in group № 3, in systemic osteoporosis, resulted in formation of large areas of destructed bone tissue. Resorption of bone defects occurred by means of osteoclastic and, to lesser extent, smooth resorption both on the surface and inside (in vascular canals) of bone tissue. Low amount of acid GAG was observed evenly along the periphery and in the center of the defects. Unlike two previous groups after use of material “Osteoplast®”, intensive regeneration of bone tissue was seen in the samples. Tiny osteogenic elements, preosteoblasts, and active osteoblasts accumulated along with the fragments of plastic material. Active osteoblasts, which synthesize components of bone matrix, were located near margins of primary bone in the form of dense pales. In addition, a significant amount of newly formed osteocytes is present in osteocytic lacunae. Vessels, located near areas of intensive reparative osteogenesis are dilated, overfilled with erythrocytes. Accumulation of acid GAG in the area of reparative osteogenesis on the basis of a slight amount of basic GAG proved intensive course of reparative osteogenesis, which is confirmed by homogeneity of the regenerates along all experimental defect. The obtained results enable to recommend materials of “Osteoplast®” series for wide use in surgical treatment of periodontological patients in the conditions of weakened by osteoporotic process osseous tissue of alveolar processes in the jaws.


glycosaminoglycans, osteoplastic materials, bone defect, experiment, osteoporosis, reparative osteogenesis


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 270-276 pages, index UDK 616.71-007.234-092.9-08-003.93-08-07