Kolosova I. I.


About the author:

Kolosova I. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The increasing complexity of environmental situation is one of the leading factors in female reproductive disorders and risk factors for child health. Lead has a toxic effect on all organs and systems of women. It is able to penetrate the placenta and cause a disruption of the normal fetal development. The aim of the research work: make comparative morphological analysis of rat ovaries in normal and due to the impact of lead acetate at different stages of pregnancy. Study was conducted on 48 white mature pregnant female rats Wistar. All rats were divided into 2 groups (24 animals in each group): Group I — animals injected with solution of lead acetate at a dose of 0.05 mg/kg, Group II — control, animals injected with distilled water. Rats were mated by the standard scheme. First day of pregnancy was identified from the moment of determining of sperm in vaginal swab. Solution of lead acetate were injected to pregnant female through a tube once a day, at one and the same time. Operative slaughter was performed on 12th, 16th and 20th day of pregnancy. The results of research. The study of the ovaries morphology of pregnant rats at different stages of gestation in the control and experimental groups was performed using estimates of basic structural components of the cortex and medulla organ. The results showed that in rats of experimental group influence lead intoxication led to the emergence of a number of morphological changes ovary varying degrees of severity. At all stages of gestation ovary of experimental group of rats was covered with cubic epithelium, the height of which was comparable to the control. Unlike the control microvilli on the surface epithelium were partially reduced. The structure and the degree of protein membrane have not significant differences in comparison to the norm in relevant terms of the research. On the 12th day of pregnancy in ovarian cortex exposed to lead acetate follicles were different maturities, often oval or irregular shape. In following terms of the study observed progression of follicle degeneration with the replacement of primordial follicles by connective tissue. Regression of primary follicles occurred through the formation atretic bodies in the form of wrinkled shiny membrane surrounded by tecocytes. All this leads to the fact that at the 20th day of gestation in the ovarian parenchyma observed a marked decrease the total content of the follicles and the predominance of yellow and atretic bodies. We can conclude that the process of follicular atresia during pregnancy in conditions of lead intoxication occurred intense and ahead of control. Against the background relative volume of corpora lutea observed growth of the vascular stream. Circulatory disorders appears as a plethora capillary-venous component of hemocirculation stream of varying degrees of severity, perivascular edema, sludge of erythrocytes in capillaries and cases of devastation. Stroma cortex and medulla of rat ovaries of experimental group on the 12th day of pregnancy characterized by a friable connective tissue fibers, which in our view was due to its swelling. On the 16th day of gestation occurred disorganization and thickening of fibrous stroma component. The study showed that the effect of lead intoxication causes rapid and active atresia of follicles, manifested in the reduction of the total content of follicle in rats ovaries, reducing the size of corpora lutea and their premature regression, degeneration and reduction of content luteocytes, proliferation of ovaries stroma, hemodynamic disorders that contribute deepening damaged effect of lead acetate. All this leads to changes in hormonal balance and disorders of the reproductive function of pregnant female rats.


lead acetate, reproductive system, ovaries, follicles, yellow body, toxicity


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 281-287 pages, index UDK 618.2:618.11-092.9:576.31:611.018:546.81:616-099