Martseniak I. V., Ushenko O. G., Olijnyk I. Yu.


About the author:

Martseniak I. V., Ushenko O. G., Olijnyk I. Yu.



Type of article:

Scentific article


A polarizational microscopy is a promising method in the morphology. Being on the stage of formation and testing in embryological studies, this technique of diagnosing optical-and-morphological properties of the map images of biological tissues requires complex studies, a polarizational criteria refinement of the norm and pathology. Methods of polarizational microscopy of thin sections of biological tissue are based on their ability to absorb and dissipate both ordinary light and laser light, that allows obtaining results due to the formation of a mathematical model of the biological structures. This makes it possible to evaluate objectively the parametric features of the norm and pathology, environmental changes through the time, eliminate or minimize subjectivity in the data interpretation. Objective is to set dynamics patterns of anatomical and micropolarizational changes of a buccal fat pad in the fetal period of human ontogenesis. Material and methods of research. To achieve the objectives of the research with the help of methods of thin preparation, morphometry, microscopic and micropolarizational study 25 fetuses between the ages of 5 and 10 months of fetal development (220,0-480,0 mm crown-rump length) have been examined. Results. From a physical point of view, the majority of histological sections of biological tissues are optically anisotropic non-depolarizing images, which change the value of the azimuth and the ellipticity of polarization, and thus form the polarizational-and-inhomogeneous microscopic images. Results of traditional laser polarimetry of the material from the buccal region in fetuses point to predominantly amorphous structure of its substance. Phasemetry of polycrystalline structure of the buccal fat pad substance found a higher level of the buccal fat pad crystallization, which increases with the age of a fetus. Method of wavelet analysis of microscopic images phase distribution of histological sections of the buccal fat pad is 2-3 times more sensitive than the direct phasemetry, which significantly expands the functionality of the time differentiation of such objects. Conclusions. Multidimensional polarizational microscopy tools are informative for the analysis of morphological structure of the buccal fat pad. The relationship between the morphologic characteristics of the fat pad in the fetus period of human ontogenesis and optical-and-geometrical parameters, investigated in the polarization images of histological sections, has been set.


laser polarimetry, buccal fat pad, fetus, human


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 301-304 pages, index UDK 616-073.55:576.72