Nikolayeva O., Kovaltsova M., Sulhdost I.


About the author:

Nikolayeva O., Kovaltsova M., Sulhdost I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. An actual problem of modern medicine is the pathology of the pancreas. Pancreatic diseases are much more common than diagnosed. The pathology of the pancreas caused by the influence of exogenous pathogenic factors is an actual problem of modern medicine. The effect of exogenous pathogenic factors on the development of pancreatic dysfunction is not sufficiently investigated. The aim of the study was to investigate the morphological and functional characteristics of the pancreas in young rats under the influence of nutritional factors on the system of the mother-fetus. Materials and Methods. We studied morphological changes of offspring using histological, cytochemical, cytomorphometric and biochemical methods. Before pregnancy and during pregnancy the female rats of basic group were fed with an increased amount of carbohydrates. The control group of animals was kept in standard vivarium conditions with normal balanced diet. Morphological processing included a set of histological and histochemical methods. Assessment of the secretory activity of the pancreas examined using biochemical method. To assess the α-amylase and lipase in the serum were determined by spectrophotometric method with helping set La Chema (Czech Republic), α1-antitrypsin in the blood were determined by immunoturbodemetric method with helping set «Dialab» (Austria). The experiments were carried out in compliance with the ethical principles of treating animals. Results. In the pancreas of one-month old offspring, morphological changes were revealed. At the 100% of the rats of the main group (1st) compared to the control group animals, a decrease in the volume of parenchyma 9.6% (p<0,05), an increase in the volume of the prostate stromal part for 26.9% (p<0,05), a decrease of average Square acini to 20.1% (p <0,001), and is found between intralobular fibrosis (4.2% ± 0.3 animals). So, same part of exocrine cells have strengthening dystrophic and sclerotic processes: reduced parenchymal area and acini. We also observed edema (40% rats), fibrosis (40% rats) and lipomatosis stroma (100% rats), degenerative changes in the nuclei and cytoplasm of exocrine pancreatic cells (100%) rats. Such indicates the beginning of cells exhaustion after functional overstrain of the pancreas due to prolonged alimentary hyperglycemia. Just occurred moderately severe inflammatory infiltration with lymphocytes, plasma cells with a significant amount of admixture of neutrophils in the course of connective tissue layers (40% rats). Just like, there are hyperplasia and hypertrophy of same part a group of exocrine cells, moderate morphofunctional activity in a group of exocrine cells represent compensatory-adaptive reaction. At the same time, in 100% rats of main group functional changes were revealed. All one-month old offspring of 1 group have an increase of levels of lipase (more than 10.1 time, р<0,001) from that of animals of the comparison group. The level of α-amylase (in average by 3.1 time, р<0,001) increased in 100 % of animals of first group from that of 100% animals of the comparison group. At the same time, in 100% rats of main group have decrease of α1-antitrypsin in the blood were marked, which indicates hyperpancreatism. Hyperenzymemia on a background of the marked morphological changes of the pancreas was caused by hyperactivity of intact exocrine cells. The findings allow to conclude that morphofunctional changes of a hypercaloric diet violation of the pancreas combine with secretary imbalance. These affect intracellular metabolism of pancreacytes, exocrine secretory activity that can be a reason for aggravation of the pancreas, and promote inflammation and pancreatic deficiency. Conclusions. Thus consumption of excessive carbohydrates and fats in the diet of pregnant rats leads to the development of hyperpancreatism in 100% of their offspring; and, as the animals grow, they aggravate despite normal diet. The results of the study indicate that the hypercaloric diet of pregnant rats with a high content of carbohydrates and fats is a significant risk factor for development of chronic pancreatic insufficiency in one-month old offspring of rats.


hypercaloric diet, morphology and function of the pancreas, rats, one-month old offspring


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 309-312 pages, index UDK 616.37-001-092.4:615.874