Chernyavskaya E. A., Nevzorov V. P., Babijchuk V. G., Martynova Yu. V., Kulik V. V.


About the author:

Chernyavskaya E. A., Nevzorov V. P., Babijchuk V. G., Martynova Yu. V., Kulik V. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Obesity is one of the most common chronic diseases. Primary (alimentary) obesity is a risk factor for development of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus, etc. In obesity the metabolic, dishormonal and hemodynamic changes in the body have a direct effect on heart muscle, thereby causing its structural and functional changes. In current science of great interest is the study of cold effect on human and animal body. In scientific and clinical practice there is accumulated significant information on the positive effect of cord blood on both different organs, systems, cell cultures, and the whole body as well. Proceeding from the mentioned above the research aim was to study the features of changes in ultrastructural architectonics of myocardial cardiomyocytes in aged rats with simulated alimentary obesity in a combined use of rhythmic extreme cold exposures (RECEs) and cryopreserved preparation of cord blood nucleated cells (CB NCs). Materials and methods. The research was performed in 24 month white outbred male rats. All the animals were divided into 3 groups: the first group consisted of 24 month intact rats; the second group was 24 month control rats with the modeled AO; the third group made 24 month rats with AO on the background of combined application f RECE of CB nucleated cells. The animals were removed from the experiment by decapitation on the following day, and in a month after 9 RECE procedures and the introduction of CB nucleated cells, procuring the myocardial tissues for electron microscopy examination. Alimentary obesity was modeled by the method of V. Baranova, by keeping the animals on a hypercaloric diet. REHE was performed in cryochamber to cool the experimental animals (-1200 C). The thawed preparation of CB nucleated cells was intraperitoneally administered once at a dose of 3×105 CD34+ cells per animal weight kilogram after 9 RECE procedures. Results and discussion. An electron microscopic study of myocardial cardiomyocytes of the control aged rats revealed the changes in submicroscopic architectonics as testifying to a decreased contractile ability of these cells, associated with destructive and dystrophic rearrangements of mitochondria. In the group of 24-month-aged experimental animals with alimentary obesity in sarcoplasm of myocardial cardiomyocytes a number of ribosomes, polysomes and glycogen granules decreased, as well as a large number of lipid and lipofuscin inclusions was determined, thereby greatly reducing a metabolic activity of myocardium. To the next day after combined use of rhythmic extreme cold exposures and cryopreserved preparation of cord blood nucleated cells in the myocardial cardiomyocytes of aged rats with alimentary obesity we observed the inhibition of dystrophic process and its transition into the stage of physiological compensation. These changes were kept within a long-term period of experimental research.


alimentary obesity, cord blood nucleated cells, rhythmic extreme cold exposures, cardiomyocytes, mitochondria


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 318-323 pages, index UDK 616.12-