Romaniuk A., Gyryavenko N., Lуndіn M., Sikora V., Zolotareva A.


About the author:

Romaniuk A., Gyryavenko N., Lуndіn M., Sikora V., Zolotareva A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The incidence of primary fallopian tubes carcinoma (PFTC) are ranged from 0,3 to 2% of all malignant tumors of the female genital organs. The important place is given to the identification of tumor markers which associated with prognosis of the disease. One of the methods of proliferative activity evaluation is identification of protein expression Ki-67, which allows defining the "hidden" proliferative potential of the tumor. Materials and methods. For the determination of cells proliferative activity in a tissue of PFTC we analyzed operating material from 30 women, who was operated concerning for cancer of the fallopian tubes. The protein expression level of Ki-67 was evaluated by semiquantitative method: 0 points — the negative reaction, 1 point — low positive reaction (the number of positively stained cells (n) = 0-30%), 2 points — moderate positive reaction (3060%), 3 points — highly positive reaction (n>60%). We have compared the resulting indicators with clinical and anatomical parameters (clinical stage, stage of tumor differentiation, presence of regional metastases). Results and discussion. According to the classification system of gynecologic tumors by FIGO in 16 cases were detected fallopian tube cancers in I stage, in 6 cases — II stage, in 8 cases — III stage. In all cases morphological variant of tumors corresponded to serous adenocarcinoma of fallopian tubes, and the differentiation stage varied from low to high. Immunohistochemical analysis of Ki-67 protein expression in the cells of fallopian tubes cancer demonstrated that the proliferating cells were detected in all cases. The values of Ki-67 have varied from 15,0 to 95,0% (62,5 ± 4,49%). Proliferative activity index for highly differentiated adenocarcinoma was an average of 22,0 ± 3,24%, for moderate differentiation stage of adenocarcinoma — 52,9 ± 3,7%, and for weakly differentiation — 84,8% ± 2,5%. In the tumors with G1-G2 stage of anaplasia were found low expression of Ki-67, in its turn G3 stage — high Ki-67 expression (p<0.05). The level of protein expression also depended from clinical stage of the disease (by FIGO) (p<0.05). Thus, in I stage of PFTC average value of the Ki-67 was 51,93 ± 5,61%, in II-III stages — 74,57 ± 5,82%. Credible differences of the proliferative activity from the age of patients (p>0,05) were not received. Cells proliferative activity of fallopian tubes cancer with metastases was higher (p<0,05), compared with PFTC without metastases. Conclusions. Primary fallopian tube cancer is characterized by high indicators of proliferation activity, as evidenced by the extremely aggressive course of the disease. Considering higher proliferative activity of the cells of fallopian tubes cancer with metastases presence and tendency to increase of proliferative activity with decreasing of differentiation neoplasia the expression stage of Ki-67 promotes to patients affiliation to group of the "risk". Perspectives for further research. The research of immunohistochemical apoptosis markers, adhesion capabilities, invasive potential of tumor cells and epigenetic DNA changes in the tissue of primary fallopian tubes carcinoma.


рrimary fallopian tubes carcinoma, proliferation index


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 324-327 pages, index UDK 616–06.6/618.12–006