Gnid R. M., Dyryk V. T.


About the author:

Gnid R. M., Dyryk V. T.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The human organism functions in unity with environment, which appropriately attracts to the problem of “ecology-health” attention of scientists. In this aspect, the studying of unfavorable influences of environment on the state of tooth tissue is among the priority scientific directions. The question of toxic action of organophosphorus compounds (OPhC) on the organism of animals and people have been intensively studied from the beginning of their use in economic purposes, mainly as insecticide preparations of wide spectrum of action. Especially actual is research of primary toxic reactions of organism at the chronic exposure of low doses of chlorpyrifos on the activity of enzymes and hematological parameters. The purpose of our work is to find out the influence of differently directed intoxication of rats with simulated periodontitis on the maim indicators of hematologic profile and markers of endogenous intoxication. Materials and research methods. The experiments were conducted on white outbred rats-males weighing 160–180 g. During the experiment they were kept on the standard ration of vivarium. In the process of work 80 animals were used. An experimental animals were divided into 4 groups. In the blood of experimental rats tested the content of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit. The state of endogenous intoxication (EI) was estimated by indicators of sorption ability of erythrocytes (SZE) and midmolecular peptide (MMP). SZE determined by methodology which is based on ideas about erythrocytes as an universal adsorbent, which help to estimate the level of EI after the change of sorption ability of erythrocytes polar, practically impermeable through their membrane, methylene blue. The definition of content of MMP conducted with using the method of Togaybayev A. A. For the objective estimation of degree of reliability of the research results the statistical processing of the obtained data is conducted with the use of generally accepted methods of variation statistics. Results of research and their discussion. At the beginning of research all animals had intact mucous membrane of the oral cavity without pathological changes, absence of bleeding gums and the presence of exsudate is at palpation. The pathological mobility of mandibular incisors was absent, the depth of dental gingival connection, in average, in rats was 1.0 ± 0.017 mm. From 1 to 14 day of the experiment in all groups of rats except control, had formed a model of periodontitis. The depth of periodontal pockets in rats with simulated periodontal disease because of the influence of pesticides, in average, amounted to 2.70 ± 0.13 mm. The lethal result was registered in one animal of III group (5.0%) and in two rats of IV group (10.0%). It was paid attention that II degree showed II–III groups, and degree mobility of the teeth was in animals of III-IV group. The dynamics of changes in the content of medium molecular peptides in the peripheral blood of rats and sorption ability of erythrocytes in animals of research groups are presented in table 1. We studied individual hematological parameters of blood of animals with simulated periodontitis on the background of the toxicogenic impact of pesticides, presented in table 2. The minimum content of erythrocytes in the peripheral blood was set by us in animals of the IV experimental group – 4.46 ± 0.43 x 10 12/l, and the obtained values were on 44.46% and on 21.76% less relative to the data in intact rats and animals with simulated periodontitis, p < 0.01; p1 > 0.05. The most decrease of concentration of hemoglobin in the blood (97.00 ± 10.66 g/l) was found in the animals of IV group. The obtained value was significantly lower relative to the data in I and II experimental groups: 25.62% and 19.37% respectively, p < 0.05; p1 > 0.05. The concentration of hematocrit in rats with simulated periodontitis of II group did not differ significantly from the data in intact animals (32.16 ± 3.20% and 38.10 ± 3.01%, respectively, p > 0.05). Conclusions. Thus, in rats of research groups the content of midmolecular peptide increased in the blood that had testified the increase of inflammatory processes in the organism of animals, and especially at the influence of pesticides and inability to eliminate the negative influence of toxicants. The comparison of size of sorption ability of erythrocytes proved between groups that at the influence of pesticides, the values of this indicator decreased, so this elimination possibility of organism didn’t work and was imperfect, especially in animals of IV group, which tested inhalation influence of pesticides.


periodontal disease, endogenous intoxication, pesticides, erythrocytes


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 343-347 pages, index UDK 616.36 – 099: 592.285 - 06. 616.13