Godovanets О. І.


About the author:

Godovanets О. І.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Examination of children suffering from diffuse nontoxic goiter has found a number of metabolic disorders in the child organism influencing upon the course of the main dental diseases and require corresponding correction. Objective. To detect the efficiency of elaborated therapeutic-preventive measures concerning dental caries in children suffering from diffuse nontoxic goiter. Materials and methods. The main groups and comparison groups are formed (30 individuals each) including children at the age of 6-7 and 12 years suffering from diffuse nontoxic goiter. Sanitation and preventive measures were carried out topically among the children of the main groups. Hygienic oral care was performed with the application of toothpastes containing aminofluoride and xylose (“R.O.C.S. Teens”), as well as the rinse containing the extracts of laminaria, xylose, calcium glycerophosphate, and magnesium chloride (“R.O.C.S. Teens”). General treatment included a complex vitamin-mineral medicine “Calcemin advance” containing calcium and the main essential trace elements against iodine therapy. Results and discussion. In general, occurrence of dental caries in children from the main groups during the period of two years was 3,5 times less at the age of 6-7 years and practically twice as less at the age of 12. Reduction of caries occurrence in two years of conducting therapeutic-preventive measures was 71,88% in children at the age of 6-7 and 46,85% at the age of 12. Similar changes were observed concerning complications of carious processes. The biggest number of permanent teeth complicated with pulpitis or periodontitis was found during examinations in 1,5 and 2 years in children of the older group of comparison. This fact is indicative of a low efficiency of generally excepted methods of caries treatment resulting in not only progressing the disease but the formation of pathological process complications as well. Morphological-functional resistance of the enamel in children undergoing improved method of treatment increased with every next examination. In 2 years it constituted 4,12±0,15 points in the patients of the younger age group and 4,07±0,20 points in children of 12 years of age contrary to 6,79±0,45 and 6,47±0,37 points in the groups of comparison. Conclusions. Administration of the medicines containing macro- and microelements against the basic iodine therapy in children suffering from diffuse nontoxic goiter enables to stabilize the indices of dental caries intensity, enhance the level of dental health and prevent the development of possible complications of the dentoalveolar system and the child organism on the whole. Detected efficiency of the suggested therapeutic-preventive measures in children of younger age is indicative of a positive influence of metabolic correction, in the first turn, upon the processes of enamel maturation and formation of caries resistant hard dental tissues. Prospects of further study. Considering the obtained results further elaboration and introduction of preventive measures concerning dental caries in children with comorbid thyroid pathology must be topical.


children, caries, diffuse nontoxic goiter


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 348-351 pages, index UDK 616.314-002-08-036.8:16.441-006.5]-053.2