Kolenko Y. G.


About the author:

Kolenko Y. G.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. The National Cancer program provides interventions for the prevention, early diagnosis and optimization of routes of patients at different stages, levels of specialized medical care. Tumors of the oral cavity of human bodies, is a visible entity, that is observable to the naked eye. It would seem that their diagnosis must be carried out at the earliest stages of development and reach 100%. However, unfortunately, this is not true. Statistics show that in 61% of patients with cancer of the oral cavity and oropharynx reveal on III, IV stages of the disease, and mortality was 75% of these patients in Ukraine. The task of a dentist is to identify early clinical manifestations characterized by a precancerous, and making the right decisions on their treatment and the optimal time of observation. The frequency of this pathology encourages us to talk about the importance of oncological vigilance and commitment for a thorough examination of the entire oral cavity of each patient, as in the initial examination, and on completion of treatment. The purpose of this study was to analyze errors allowed dentists, in the diagnosis of tumor diseases, identification of possible causes contributing to the emergence of malignant tumors of the oral mucosa. The analysis involved the reporting and statistical documents Dental Center of the A. A. Bogomolets National Medical University. At the same time used training and advisory medical journals, medical records, laboratory studies tests. Also, the analysis of the questionnaires, which were distributed to patients. As shown by the analysis of medical records in terms of age accounted for the largest share in the group of persons aged 40-49 years (34.04%), in second place — persons aged 30-39 years (27.66%), the third — aged 50-59 years (17.49%). The majority of urban residents have been observed. Most patients (83.3%) attributed the emergence of elements of destruction (erosion, ulcers) with traumatic oral mucosa: a sharp edge of the damaged tooth, traumatization bridging, full or partial dentures, un normally located in the lingual side of the tooth roots of the teeth broken off after the crown tooth. When the diagnosis is necessary to remember the signs of malignancy of the process: the appearance of the seal at the base or around the ulcers, bleeding, papillary excrescences, no signs of healing. Individual medical history must be considered: the duration of the disease, lack of effect of ongoing medical treatment. We can distinguish two main causes of late diagnosis of cancer of oral mucosa. The first — at the patient’s fault associated with late referral to a doctor until the expressed pain syndrome, or continuous self-medication and the absence of a positive effect. The second reason — according to the doctor’s fault: the absence of a doctor during the initial contact with the patient oncologic alarm, and as a result, long-term treatment without identifying and eliminating the causes of the disease, which worsens the prognosis of treatment outcomes for a given situation. To reduce the errors in the diagnosis of malignant tumors of the oral cavity is necessary to strengthen the education of oncological alertness doctors. Very often, doctors approach to the problem of treatment of dental patients rather locally. They see and treat tooth decay, but do not see pathology in the GPRS and the more etiological factors. Based on the staging of carcinogenesis, prevention steps can be distinguished. Stage I prevention is early detection and elimination of carcinogenic risks. And the stage of prevention — is to identify the symptoms of precancerous lesions. It is very important the knowledge of doctors oral mucosa pathology care in examining patients, timely consultation of patients in the respective experts. The basic principle of this phase — «No miss».


pre-cancerous disease, oncologic alertness, prevention, oral cancer, undermaintenance


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 352-356 pages, index UDK 616.31-006.-4