Nagirny Y. P.


About the author:

Nagirny Y. P.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Due to the growing popularity of plastic surgeries age and social groups of the patients who are exposed to lifting of facial tissues extend. Thus careful examination of patients before operation in most cases isn't conducted, biochemical control of a condition of patients in the post-operational period isn't conducted, stay of patients in a hospital is limited 1-2 days. There is also no statistics on the frequency of complications after operations. Research objective. To investigate degree and dynamics of change the radical-produced activities of patients when lifting soft facial tissues and to estimate risk of development of an oxidizing stress in blood and skin of patients. Object and methods of research. Peripheral blood of patients to whom the banner of soft facial tissues was carried out. 2 groups of patients are surveyed. 1 group (25 patients) was examined to surgery, at once and in 24 hours after operation. The 2nd group (10 patients) samples of blood were taken to and for the 1st, 3rd and 7th days after surgery. The assessment a radical-produced activities of blood and the isolated leukocytes was carried out by method of measurement of a lyuminol-dependent hemilyuminestsention (HL), stimulated forbolmiristatsetaty (FMA). Results and their discussion. Influence of lifting of soft facial tissues on a lyuminolzavisimy hemilyuminestsention of PMYaL. The assessment of generalized reaction of an organism to a surgical trauma at operations of lifting of facial tissues allowed to mark out the following regularities. HL the answer of whole blood and the allocated leukocytes depended on operation duration. So, correlation communication between duration of operation and HL of whole blood (1 = 0,72, p = 15, r = 0,003), and also duration of operation and specific HL of the isolated leukocytes was revealed (g = 0,55, p = 16, r = 0,028). The obtained data are comparable to results of research the gastroenterologic of operations. During our work it was established that at operations on lifting of the facial tissues lasting more than 5 h, HL of whole blood increased by 2,8 times in comparison with reference values (р < 0,05), and at an ezofagektomiya and a gastroektomiya of the same duration — by 2,5 times. The radical - produced activities of patients when lifting soft facial tissues was investigated degree and dynamics of change. As a result of lifting of soft facial tissues it was revealed changes the radical - produced activities of leukocytes: for the 3rd days it reached the maximum value, and for the 7th days - decreased in relation to norm. Raised radical formation in intra- and the post operational period plays protective function at a possible bacterial kontamination of a wound. On the other hand, hyperactivity of leukocytes can lead to a trauma of own fabrics due to development of an oxidizing stress. It is investigated by us it is suppressed activity of leukocytes can provoke development of infectious complications when carrying out esthetic operations in the person.


blood, hemilyuminestsention, lifting of soft facial tissues


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 357-359 pages, index UDK 616.742