Pankevych V. V., Kucher A. R., Zakharkiv A. M., Kaminsky M. V., Nazarevych M. R.


About the author:

Pankevych V. V., Kucher A. R., Zakharkiv A. M., Kaminsky M. V., Nazarevych M. R.



Type of article:

Scentific article


This study discusses the capabilities of comprehensive ultrasonography to optimize the diagnostic process in patients with fractures of the facial skeleton. As is well known, the main criteria for consolidation of fractures is the clinical condition of the damaged area and radiological characteristics of reparative regeneration of bone tissue. However, due to the inability of visualizing noncalcified bone regenerate, radiological signs of the process of fracture consolidation are significantly delayed compared with clinical. Another drawback of X-ray imaging is that in its execution often arise projection magnification and image deformation, which significantly complicates determining the true value of the fracture. Despite the proven diagnostic value of comprehensive ultrasonography in traumatology, this method is not used in the study of the processes of consolidation in patients with fractures of the facial skeleton. The purpose of our study was to determine the diagnostic value of comprehensive ultrasonography in the study of dynamics of reparative osteogenesis in patients with fractures of this location. Materials and methods. We examined 30 patients aged 18 to 47 years old with facial skeleton fractures, after conservative or surgical treatment — depending on indications. The survey was carried out on 3rd day, through 2 weeks after injury and after removal of the splinting constructions (on 21st day). Ultrasonographic examination was performed on the machine Logic E, using linear sensor with a frequency of 7.5-12MHz. Complex research include B-mode scanning — to assess the structure of periosteal tissues, surface of the bone, the periosteum and regenerate and angiography-mode scanning (PDM-mode) – to assess blood flow in the area of damage. Results. During the first days after injury we observed on ultrasonograms step-like interruption of hyperechoic line, by height of which we measured the degree of displacement of bone fragments. We also visualized additional metal constructions and their locations in patients after surgery with osteosynthesis. The blood flow in the fracture cleft was not recorded in the PDM-mode, although there was an obvious increase in the volume of blood flow in periosteum tissues (up to 13 cm/sec), as evidenced by an increase of skin temperature, its redness and edema. Through 2 weeks after injury we detected on comprehensive ultrasonography typical dynamics offilling diastase by granulation tissue with proliferation of blood vessels and the formation of fibrous intergrowth following with its ossification. In the PDM-mode we revealed a significant strengthening of local microcirculatory blood flow in the regenerative area — up to 42cm/sec. From 3rd to 4th week since the injury in a cleft fracture appeared hypoechoic zone with hyperechoic structures, indicating the final formation of primary callus. The rate of blood flow in the skin over the fracture site and regenerative area decreased, appeared zone of acoustic silence, registered signal with mainly arterial blood filling. After 3-4 months, depending on the level of injury, callus formed, which manifested with the following features: cortical plate visualized as a continuous hyperechoic signal with distal acoustic shadow, soft tissue had normal echostructure, in the place of callus registered one feeding vessel. Thus, the use of comprehensive ultrasonography allows to control and predict the course of formation of bone regenerate already from the first days after fractures of facial skeleton and carry out, if necessary, correction treatment.


reparative osteogenesis, fractures of the facial skeleton, comprehensive ultrasonography, vascularization, blood flow, color Doppler mapping, power Doppler mapping (PDM)


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 364-370 pages, index UDK 617.52 – 001.5 – 003.9 – 073.48