Cherep’yk О. M., Musij-Sementsiv K. G.


About the author:

Cherep’yk О. M., Musij-Sementsiv K. G.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The problem of dental caries of deciduous teeth remains relevant, despite the significant number of modern health care systems, as evidenced by the high indicators of intensity and prevalence of caries. This problem lies in the multifaceted etiology of caries. In particular, a dominant place among the risk factors of caries occupies food. In early childhood characterized by intensive processes of growth and development. Therefore nutrition are very important, especially its compliance and requirements according to age. Thus, according to many studies, the type of feeding at 1 year of life affects the physical and intellectual development of the child, the tendency to the development of allergic diseases, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, urinary, excretory system, metabolic disorders. Also, the violation of nutrition and diet plays a major role in the development of tooth decay because of the quality of the latter depends on the level of vitamin and micro elements which are necessary for the formation of dental hard tissues and oral health in general. The purpose of the study was to assess the risk factors of caries of deciduous teeth in preschool children. To achieve the goal the survey of 145 children aged 2 to 4 years were conducted, which determined intensity (df) and the prevalence of caries (in %) of deciduous teeth. Analysis of the results was carried out taking into account the intensity of caries of deciduous teeth. The children were divided into two groups: the first — were children from intact teeth, the second includes children with carious teeth. To assess the risk factors of caries of deciduous teeth we analyzed the nutrition of children using the results of questionnaire of parents. The results showed that the prevalence of caries of deciduous teeth in preschool children, an average of 48,27%, while the intensity of caries process is 2,37 tooth. The prevalence of caries of deciduous teeth increases from 35.42% in two years to 65.31% in four years. With age the caries intensity increases twice. So, in two years the index df = 1.52, and in four years — 3,57 teeth in accordance. Analyzing the results of the questionnaire we can conclude that the children with affected teeth with sweets acquainted faster than children with intact teeth. Among the sweets that children with caries of deciduous teeth take prevail candy, waffles and toffee which have greater adhesion to the tooth surface and promote tooth decay, and children with intact teeth often consume chocolate. The prevalence of soft foods in nutrition of children with affected teeth in comparison with children without caries was found. Analysis of food indicates that the majority of children with caries of deciduous teeth consume flour and starch products, a smaller number dairy products and cereals. Thus, this study is supplemented with details on the impact on character of nutrition of children on develop of early tooth decay. These data indicate a lack of motivation and awareness of parents about oral care and prevention of dental caries. Research has shown that nutrition of children is one of the most important risk factors of caries of deciduous teeth. However, these important data do not exclude other mechanisms in the pathogenesis of dental caries that requires further research.


children, preschool age, cavities, risk factors, nutrition


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 380-383 pages, index UDK 616.314-002-038-053.4