Yanishen І. V., Breslavets N. N.


About the author:

Yanishen І. V., Breslavets N. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article presents clinical evaluation orthopedic treatment of patients with non-removable metal-plastic dentures. Introduction. Modern advances prosthetic dentistry is largely based on the use of new technologies and development of dental materials science. Restoration of anatomical shape and continuity teeth of dentition with individual characteristics of patients is the main objective orthopedic treatment of patients. The purpose of research — clinical evaluation of the effectiveness orthopedic treatment of patients with non-removable cast metal-plastic dentures, through justification of our proposed new method of manufacturing structures. Object and methods. To achieve this goal, we have been proposed for clinical use of a new technique for manufacturing cast metal-plastic constructions, namely: 1. New retention points of cast metal framework; 2. Use a new coating varnish «Sinma M+V»; 3. Use a new facing polymer «Sinma M+V». Patients were divided in two groups depending with deferent technology for applying retentive points cast framework, deferent coating varnish and facing material. Results and discussion. Early and long-term outcome of patient conditions research groups were recorded after orthopedic treatment, after 7 days, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years, namely, accordance color of facing coating to color of natural teeth, the integrity facing polymer, marginal integrity, occlusion. At the initial examination, and 7 days after the fixation of non-removable denture with aesthetic facing polymer of criteria anatomical shape, marginal fitting, surface structure, occlusion of all of them (95 designs) — evaluation «excellent». After 6 months of using dentures complications were found in 7 cases, accounting for 7.36% of dentures. 2 (2.1%) in the main group and 5 (5.2%) in control group. After 12 months of using non-removable dentures in control group there was discoloration even 2 (4.3%), cases of stone chip facing polymer in 2 (4.35%) cases, in 2 (4.35%) cases were observed cracks aesthetic facing. From the main group, which were treated with our method, after 12 months were observed 2 (4.08%) cases cracks aesthetic facing vestibular surface, which have been restored. After 2 years of follow up, after analysis, in the first (control) group were detected 6 (13.0%) complications of change color, and the presence of cracks aesthetic facing. All complications were corrected in the mouth, but already had rating of «satisfactory». In the main group, after 2 years, we have seen in 2 (4.08%) cases, the change of aesthetic facing of color in the cervical area, we have noted evaluation of «satisfactory». Conclusions. Thus, in the first (control) group, after two years observation 30 (65.21%) responded — «excellent» with classical manufacturing method metal-plastic fixed dentures. Accordingly, in the second (main) group, after two years observation, 43 (87.75%) responded with fixed dentures with aesthetic facing polymer «Sinma-M+V», were rated «excellent».


orthopedic treatment with metal-plastic fixed dentures, facing polymer, mechanical retention, varnish covering «Sinma-M+V», polymer «Sinma-M+V»


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 388-391 pages, index UDK 616.314-089.23-77