Plevinskis P. V.


About the author:

Plevinskis P. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The questions concerning medicolegal examination of victims in case of the combined automobile trauma (a trauma which are growing out consecutive, distinguished from each other, of mechanisms of occurrence) are considered. It is established, that, alongside with traditional variants of the combined kinds of an automobile trauma, there is still a significant amount of earlier not described combinations of variants of injuring influences. Stated has allowed to offer essential additions to already earlier described various variants of the combined kinds of an automobile trauma, and, thus, actually to create new, more detailed classification which can be used for needs of a medicolegal science and expert practice. Such classification can look as follows: 1. A trauma from the moving automobile with the worth or moving person and additional influences: 1.1. With the subsequent bodies a wheel (wheels); 1.2. With the subsequent bodies the bottom of the automobile; 1.3. With the subsequent a wheel (wheels) and the bottom of the automobile; 1.4. With the subsequent bodies the bottom parts of two or several automobiles with various combinations of mechanisms. 2. A trauma from the moving automobile with the person who is taking place in atypical position (laying, sitting, etc.) and additional influences: 2.1. With the subsequent bodies a wheel (wheels); 2.2. With the subsequent bodies the bottom of the automobile; 2.3. With the subsequent a wheel (wheels) and the bottom of the automobile; 2.4. With the subsequent bodies the bottom parts of two or several automobiles with various combinations of mechanisms. 3. A trauma at usual loss from the automobile (without in the automobile) the driver or the passenger and additional influences: 3.1. With the subsequent bodies a wheel (wheels); 3.2. With the subsequent bodies the bottom of the automobile; 3.3. With the subsequent both wheels, and the bottom; 3.4. In result with a falling body of other automobile. 4. A trauma in interior of the automobile and as a result additional influences (a situation when the victim receives a trauma as in interior of the automobile at the moment of road accident, and from other injuring influences): 4.1. With the subsequent loss from the machine and a wheel (wheels); 4.2. With loss from the automobile and the bottom of the automobile; 4.3. With both wheels, and the bottom of the automobile after loss; 4.4. With the subsequent loss from the automobile and impact about a road covering; 4.5. With the subsequent loss from a vehicle and impact about technical details of road (columns, chippers); 4.6. With additional impact by parts of other automobile after loss. 5. The combined trauma in interior of the automobile from action of various factors: 5.1. A mechanical trauma from impact and prelums details of interior and a thermal trauma as a result of ignition of the automobile; 5.2. A mechanical trauma in interior of the automobile, a thermal and chemical trauma (as from mechanical action of details of interior, and a flame, and also toxic products of burning); 5.3. A mechanical trauma in interior of the automobile with the subsequent drown victims after falling the automobile in a reservoir.


forensic medicine, car accident injury, driver, passenger, the pedestrian, mechanisms injuries


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 392-395 pages, index UDK 340.6:616-001: 629.1131.115