Glazkov Е. A.


About the author:

Glazkov Е. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The adaptation process develops through interaction of regulatory systems, disorders of which lead to functional and organic disorders in the body. This article presents the results of the study on performance of the cardiovascular system and the adaptive capacity of a student’s body at the time of studying in a higher education institution. Even slight deviations in a man’s adaptation potential can severely compromise health. Over the past years, it has been proved that weakening of the adaptive capacity of a human body is a risk factor causing an increase in the morbidity rate. Our study was purposed to establish the individual peculiarities of autonomic processes in the body of international students and, basing on the study, to develop a method to correct maladjustment problems of international students at the time of studying in higher education institutions of Ukraine. This article presents the results of the study on the adaptive capacity of the body of international students at the time of studying in a higher education institution. The obtained results make it possible to quantitatively estimate a number of indicators characterising the adaptation process in the body of international students, to investigate peculiarities of general indicators characterising the body’s physical condition and overall physical stamina in cases of adjustment disorders, to choose criteria for evaluation of peculiarities of the physical condition in cases of adjustment disorders. The study results reveal that in the learning process there occur certain changes in indicators that describe the functional state of the cardiovascular system and the physical condition of the body of international students. The said changes are related to study load and inadequate adaptive reaction of the body to changes in the environment, and require timely adequate correction. It has been established that adaptive capabilities and general health indicators characterising the physical condition of the body of national students exceed respective indicators of students of Chinese citizenship. The physical condition of the body of national students was estimated as average whereas that of students of Chinese citizenship remained at the below average level. The obtained results evidence the decrease in the overall physical stamina index of the students in the control group. The value of the said index in the control group was estimated to be above average by an acceptable evaluation scale; and that of international students was estimated as satisfactory. The study results prove the efficiency of using Echinacea purpurea as a rehabilitation means in cases of adjustment disorders and establish the need to further investigate both adaptation problems and correction of maladjustments in the process of training international students. The study results prove that the use of Echinacea as a rehabilitation means weakens the negative influence of environmental factors and study load on the adaptive capacity indicators of the cardiovascular system, the physical condition and physical stamina of the body of international students of Chinese citizenship. The use of Echinacea purpurea as a means to correct disorders of adaptation mechanisms in international students of Chinese citizenship resulted in strengthening of the body’s capacity to adapt to changes of the environment due to improvement of the autonomic nervous system performance, which was accompanied by a relative strengthening of cholinergic effects and a decrease in activity of adrenergic mechanisms of the autonomic nervous system.


adaptogens, Echinacea, international students, adaptation potential


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 396-399 pages, index UDK [613.97:612.17-07]-057.87