Korovina L. D., Zaporozhets T. M.


About the author:

Korovina L. D., Zaporozhets T. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Investigations of junior students of medical academy was carried out. At students of the first years correlations of higher nervous activity indices among themselves, and with a number anamnestic factors, with intensity and the experience of bad habits, and also relations with indicators of vegetative supplying of blood circulation system were observed. Intensity of vegetative dysfunction depended on condition of autonomic nervous system and on features of the higher nervous activity. Relations of a condition of autonomic nervous system and the higher nervous activity with indicators of an emotional condition, namely, life satisfaction and satisfaction by studies are revealed. Intensity of autonomic dysfunction correlated directly with anxiety and inversely with a self-estimation and the academic abilities. Level of life satisfaction has been connected negatively with presence and intensity of autonomic dysfunction signs, with neurotism level and anxiety, with quantity of psychological traumas throughout life, with weight and frequency of sleep infringements, and positively with a self-estimation. Multiple correlation relation of satisfaction life level (R = 0,44, p < 0,001) was with quality of family relations, quality of sanitary-and-hygienic conditions, anxiety level, self-estimation level, quantity of cigarettes in day and with an indicator of a variety of a food. Training satisfaction had numerical correlations, namely, direct relation with pulse delay in oculo-cardiac test and the inverse relations with an indicator of activity of parasympathetic part of autonomic nervous system, with the smoking experience, with the experience of alcohol intake and with a week dose of alcohol per unit of a body weight. Training satisfaction depends significantly on the activity of both sympathetic and parasympathetic link of ANS, where as life satisfaction is determined by external factors largely. It is possible to consider level of young people life satisfaction as an integrated indicator, which depends on a condition of the higher nervous activity and the quality of life. It decreases with the experience of bad habits.


students, autonomic nervous system, higher nervous activity


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 1 (126), 2016 year, 400-402 pages, index UDK 612. 89+821.4