Zholobak N. М.


About the author:

Zholobak N. М.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In this paper, we summarize the current data on biosecurity of nanocrystalline cerium dioxide (CeO2 NP) for environmental microorganisms, and on the probiotic effect of CeO2 NP. We analyze the possible ways of the interaction of nanoparticles with the bacterial cell, which provide the means of their probiotic and antibacterial action. The analysis of the probiotic and antibacterial action of CeO2 NP shows that gram-positive microorganisms are more susceptible to nanoparticles than gram-negative. It is related to different permeability and other functions of the bacterial wall of these two groups of microorganisms. The phosphoenolpyruvate: carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS) plays a major role in the transportation of nutrients through the membrane. It provides selective transportation for glucose, fructose, and other carbohydrates in phosphorized form. PTS is one of the first systems of the cell that react on the contact with CeO2 NP. I. e., CeO2 NP can actively change the processes of the nutrients transportation. We concluded that the way CeO2 NP influence the metabolism of microorganisms depends on the ways they receive carbon and energy: auto/heterotrophs, photo/chemotrophs. These properties are mostly defined by the PTS of the bacteria, which serves as a regulator of the processes of consumption of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphates, influences chemotaxis, potassium transportation, and virulence of some pathogenic microorganisms. Signal transmission in the described regulatory processes depends on the phosphorylation of PTS components. It depends, in turn, on the substrates availability. Consequently, the selectivity of CeO2 NP's action on pathogenic and semi-pathogenic microorganisms can be easily explained. The microorganism’s quality of being pathogenic or semi-pathogenic to human is linked to auxotrophy – inability to synthesize carbohydrates, amino acids, and other grow factors (purines, pyrimidines, lipids, vitamins, ferroporphyrins, etc.), evolutional adaptation to receiving it from the environment or the host organism. Cerium has chemical values that resemble calcium. E.g., the ability to make phosphate-containing compounds. Thus, CeO2 NP can change the catalytic properties of phosphate anions when binding with them. Moreover, the dynamic of adsorption of phosphate on cerium oxide accorded with the classical model and can be described by the second-order kinetic equation. It means that CeO2 NP can affect the phosphate-mediated and phosphate-related metabolic intracellular processes, and can demonstrate the phosphatase activity. We found a correlation between the antibacterial action of CeO2 NP and the role of PTS in the sugars transportation for different groups of microorganisms. This correlation supports the idea that antibacterial effects of CeO2 NP depend on inhibition of bacteria’s PTS. Indeed, the maximal antibacterial effect of CeO2 NP is found for bacterias, for which PTS plays the key role in the sugars transportation. On the other hand, the probiotic effect of CeO2 NP can also be predicted basing on the activity of PTS in different groups of microorganisms. This system is typical for obligate and facultative anaerobes and is absent for aerobic bacteria. For bacteria that can synthesize sugars, and which live in aerobic condition, the nanoparticles have probiotic action by reducing the toxic effect of ROS that are actively produced in these conditions. Summarizing, we found out that the result of the interaction between CeO2 NP and microorganisms depends on physicochemical properties of the nanoparticles, and it is realized through the response of the bacterial cell. This response is influenced by the complex of cascade reactions that depends on the presence or absence of the outer membrane (gram-positive/negative bacteria), the features of the nutrients transportation system (the role of phosphotransferase system), the characteristics of the intracellular metabolism (hyperproduction of peroxides), and genetic activity. Basing on the mentioned properties, it is possible to predict the result of the interaction between the CeO2 NP and a microorganism.


cerium dioxide nanoparticles (CeO2 NP), probiotic effect, antibacterial effect, phosphotransferase system, the mechanism of the action


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 part 2 (127), 2016 year, 9-15 pages, index UDK 546.655.3-4+544.773:615.281.9